Sesame Street/Diana Ross
Oh you can be what you want to be,
See what you want to see,
Believe in yourself,
Believe in yourself.
Go where you want to go,
Do what you want to do
Believe in yourself,
Believe in yourself.
Some folks try to tell you there are things you shouldn't do
You're not strong enough or smart enough at all,
But what seems right to them quite often
Might be wrong for you,
So be sure you try to climb
Before you get too scared you fall.
Oh, you can be what you want to be,
Learn what you want to learn,
Believe in yourself,
Believe in yourself.
Try what you need to try,
No one should question why,
Believe in yourself,
Believe in yourself.
Folks may say you're different,
That you've gone and lost your senses,
But the world is yours to walk in,
Go ahead and leap the fences.
And you'll see,
Believe in yourself
And the world belongs to you and me
A collage of personal, political,cultural, and historical commentary from the thought processes of Brandon Wallace.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Little Red Shoes
Loretta Lynn
I find this song by Lorette Lynn quite profound.
I was 11 months old
I was just starting to walk
And Daddy always kept a big stick behind the door just in case
Somebody was to come in that was drunk on moonshine,
You know, and Daddy had to do something about it
Anyway, this woman, we called her old Aunt Boyd,
She come in and she was telling
Mommy about her, uh, husband, she thinks is going out with this woman in
So she reared back with that big stick showing
Mommy how she was going to hit this woman in the head with it
And when she went back with it, she hit me in the head
And Mommy said I cried for 5 days
And she said I, that fifth night,
I had a great big knot that show up right in the middle of my forehead
And, you know, the only thing I remember,
I don’t remember no pain, but I just remember Mommy
And Daddy carrying me in this old quilt that Mommy had made out of overhalls
The knots kept getting bigger and bigger so she took me to the doctor
And that stuff called mesitor, something like that
Mommy said it made both ears flat to my face and I ain’t got very big ears
And told Mommy that I would, that I was going to die
And that happened like four times so I didn’t walk till I was almost 5
It was… It was kind of a mess…
Oh I forgot about the shoes,
Well shoot, I hadn’t… I’d never had a pair of shoes
And Mommy had went…
Took me to the hospital, you know, to see what that was…
If they couldn’t do something
But they wouldn’t keep me because Mommy and Daddy didn’t have no money
They just tell ‘em to take me home and let me die, you know,
Because there wasn’t nothing they could do about
That kind of disease, I guess
And, um, Mommy told Daddy,
Says “Ted, you take her down the street, you carry her down the street…” and said,
“…let me try this store here,” and Mommy went in and told them the story that I was dying,
That she had to carry me twelve miles to town
And twelve miles back and that I had no shoes
That place, I think it was Murphy’s 5 and 10 and they’re still there in Paintsville, Kentucky
And I think that they told Mommy that they wasn’t in business to give shoes away
Mommy told Daddy, says, “Carry Loretta on down a little farther,”
Said, “and let me stop in another store…”
And Mommy went right back to the same store
When the guy’s back was turned she stole these little red shoes
And I remember on the big’old bridge that went across the river
It went way up high and was…
I’ve always been scared of that bridge that took me across the big Sandy River
Mommy pulled them out from under that yellow jacket that she was wearing
And she was putting them red shoes on me
And I thought them was the prettiest things I ever saw in my life
And Daddy started crying
And I wondered why
And he said, “Clerie, we’re not going to make it home,”
And Mommy put the shoes on me
And Daddy took off running and run all the way ahead t’Butcher Holler with me
And Mommy never had a chance to carry me any farther
And that’s almost twelve miles that Daddy run with me
But Daddy knew that the cops was going to get us
He left Mommy standing and he took off in a dead run
I remember him running but I didn’t know what for
And I remember asking Mommy,
“Mommy, why is Daddy running?”
I remember her hollering,
“To put your little red shoes away, honey, when you get home.”
Can you believe that?
So I wrote a song called “Put My Little Red Shoes Away,”
You know, they’re my little red shoes and I don’t want
‘em to get… to be dirty…
I find this song by Lorette Lynn quite profound.
I was 11 months old
I was just starting to walk
And Daddy always kept a big stick behind the door just in case
Somebody was to come in that was drunk on moonshine,
You know, and Daddy had to do something about it
Anyway, this woman, we called her old Aunt Boyd,
She come in and she was telling
Mommy about her, uh, husband, she thinks is going out with this woman in
So she reared back with that big stick showing
Mommy how she was going to hit this woman in the head with it
And when she went back with it, she hit me in the head
And Mommy said I cried for 5 days
And she said I, that fifth night,
I had a great big knot that show up right in the middle of my forehead
And, you know, the only thing I remember,
I don’t remember no pain, but I just remember Mommy
And Daddy carrying me in this old quilt that Mommy had made out of overhalls
The knots kept getting bigger and bigger so she took me to the doctor
And that stuff called mesitor, something like that
Mommy said it made both ears flat to my face and I ain’t got very big ears
And told Mommy that I would, that I was going to die
And that happened like four times so I didn’t walk till I was almost 5
It was… It was kind of a mess…
Oh I forgot about the shoes,
Well shoot, I hadn’t… I’d never had a pair of shoes
And Mommy had went…
Took me to the hospital, you know, to see what that was…
If they couldn’t do something
But they wouldn’t keep me because Mommy and Daddy didn’t have no money
They just tell ‘em to take me home and let me die, you know,
Because there wasn’t nothing they could do about
That kind of disease, I guess
And, um, Mommy told Daddy,
Says “Ted, you take her down the street, you carry her down the street…” and said,
“…let me try this store here,” and Mommy went in and told them the story that I was dying,
That she had to carry me twelve miles to town
And twelve miles back and that I had no shoes
That place, I think it was Murphy’s 5 and 10 and they’re still there in Paintsville, Kentucky
And I think that they told Mommy that they wasn’t in business to give shoes away
Mommy told Daddy, says, “Carry Loretta on down a little farther,”
Said, “and let me stop in another store…”
And Mommy went right back to the same store
When the guy’s back was turned she stole these little red shoes
And I remember on the big’old bridge that went across the river
It went way up high and was…
I’ve always been scared of that bridge that took me across the big Sandy River
Mommy pulled them out from under that yellow jacket that she was wearing
And she was putting them red shoes on me
And I thought them was the prettiest things I ever saw in my life
And Daddy started crying
And I wondered why
And he said, “Clerie, we’re not going to make it home,”
And Mommy put the shoes on me
And Daddy took off running and run all the way ahead t’Butcher Holler with me
And Mommy never had a chance to carry me any farther
And that’s almost twelve miles that Daddy run with me
But Daddy knew that the cops was going to get us
He left Mommy standing and he took off in a dead run
I remember him running but I didn’t know what for
And I remember asking Mommy,
“Mommy, why is Daddy running?”
I remember her hollering,
“To put your little red shoes away, honey, when you get home.”
Can you believe that?
So I wrote a song called “Put My Little Red Shoes Away,”
You know, they’re my little red shoes and I don’t want
‘em to get… to be dirty…
Something I meant to Blog About
Fred Posey, an old friend of my great-grand-father who worked in the county government, died recently. He was nearly a hundred years old.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Thiss From a Progressive Source
83 Days ago , the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals ordered District Judge Mark Fuller to show cause for denying Don Siegelman an appeal bond and ordering Siegelman's immediate incarceration.
On October 4th, Fuller defied the appeal court's order saying, " [This Court] will not issue a lengthy written opinion on this matter."
On November 7th the 11th Circuit ordered Judge Fuller - for a second time - to show cause for denying Siegelman's appeal bond and ordering Siegelman's immediate incarceration.
Today is December 30th . It has now been 53 Days since the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals SECOND ORDER directing District Judge Mark Fuller to show cause for denying Siegelman appeal bond:
Don Siegelman has now been imprisoned for 6 months and 1 day with no explanation as to why he was denied an appeal bond.
It has been 18 Months and 2 days since the trial ended and NO TRIAL TRANSCRIPT has been produced by Judge Fuller's court. Siegelman can not appeal his conviction without the trial transcript.
August 7, 2007
Scott Horton, Harper's Magazine
The main question regarding Judge Mark Fuller's behavior in the Siegelman case is whether it was appropriate for him to have taken the case in the first place. So I discussed the issues with Professor David Luban , University Professor and Professor of Law and Philosophy at Georgetown University, and a well known legal ethicist. Luban is the author of Legal Ethics and Human Dignity, issued this year by Cambridge University Press, among other works, and is an occasional contributor to Harper's Magazine.
1. Judge Fuller is a Republican, and before coming to the bench he worked on a number of Republican campaigns. He served as a member of the Alabama Republican Executive Committee at a time when Don Siegelman was a Democratic state office holder. Was it proper for Fuller to sit as a judge in the Siegelman prosecution?
There's a well-accepted legal standard for when a judge should disqualify himself from a case: the judge should bow out when his impartiality can reasonably be questioned. That's the standard in both the judicial code of ethics and in federal law. The point is to maintain confidence in the fairness and integrity of the legal system. Keeping that in mind, the bare fact that Judge Fuller is a Republican clearly isn't enough to raise questions. Most judges belong to one party or the other, and a lot got their job on the bench because they were active party members. We expect that they can put mere party sympathy aside when they try cases. But on these facts, Judge Fuller was a lot more than just an active party member. He was a electoral strategist, an executive committee member, and an anti-Siegelman campaigner. How can a reasonable person fail to have doubts about his impartiality? If you've spent years organizing the "Beat the Yankees" Club, you should not be umpiring a Yankees game-even if you think you can call the game honestly.
2. In addition to his political engagement, a Siegelman appointee questioned some extraordinary payments Fuller made while he was a district attorney. There was a litigation in which Fuller testified, and the court ruled against him and for the state retirement agency. Fuller was quoted as stating that this was "politically motivated." Does this raise any questions?
If Judge Fuller complained that it was "politically motivated," it sounds like he might be blaming Siegelman for it. Without knowing the context it's hard to tell whether the judge was complaining only about the appointee, or the governor as well. If the latter, it means that the judge had expressed a grudge against Siegelman and obviously should not be trying his case.
3. Judge Fuller appears to derive most of his income from a closely-held business in which he remains the controlling shareholder. The business is almost entirely involved with government contracts, with the Department of Defense and Department of Justice as contractors. What is your reaction when you look at the recusal motion, in which this was set out in some detail, the Justice Department's response, and Judge Fuller's ruling?
Generally, the standards for recusal motions are tough, to discourage parties from judge-shopping. I started reading these papers with that viewpoint-namely that the defendant had an almost impossible case to make. But the more I read the papers, the more I was persuaded that this actually was one of those rare cases where the burden was met. Remember: the legal standard is whether you can reasonably question the judge's impartiality. If so, the law requires the judge to disqualify himself. This is not a run-of-the-mill criminal case where a judge's commercial side-dealings with the government would not raise a question about pro-government bias. This one is a politically charged case involving a former governor in which political leaders in Washington, D.C., who ultimately exercise tremendous control over the process of military procurement contracts, are likely to take great interest. Given the amount of money Judge Fuller's company gets from government contracts, any reasonable person would question how impartial he could be. He should not have taken this case, and with a recusal motion made, he had no option but to drop out.
What amazes me about these facts is that they combine past political activism against the governor, a possible grudge against the governor, and the judge's company's financial dependence on the government's good graces. If they're right (I don't have any independent knowledge of that), any one by itself would raise reasonable questions about the judge's ability to be impartial. Taken together, we have a perfect storm. Under these circumstances, impartiality would take superhuman self-control, and we don't expect judges to be superhuman. The recusal standard is designed so that we don't have to expect it.
4. You read the Justice Department's papers, which were filed both by the U.S. Attorney's office in Montgomery and by the Public Integrity Section at the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C.
I was troubled by the papers filed by the Department of Justice. Half the argument is an ad hominem attack on their adversary's attorneys for daring to question the government's fairness. Without offering any evidence, it accuses them of bad faith, and it's loaded with insulting adjectives. The motion makes it look like the government is blowing smoke to deflect attention away from the real issue.
But rhetorical overkill isn't the main problem. The most troubling problem is that the Justice Department's Professional Integrity Section joined this response. That was a real lapse of professional judgment. PIN (as it's called) is in charge of policing public officials. That includes judges as well as elected officials. Under some circumstances, PIN could be called on to make an independent after-the-fact assessment of Judge Fuller's conduct. By signing onto the Justice Department's submission at this point, before there's been a hearing on the recusal motion, the Public Integrity Section makes it virtually impossible for it to do its oversight job later, because it's already staked out a position on the case before hearing all sides of the argument.
On October 4th, Fuller defied the appeal court's order saying, " [This Court] will not issue a lengthy written opinion on this matter."
On November 7th the 11th Circuit ordered Judge Fuller - for a second time - to show cause for denying Siegelman's appeal bond and ordering Siegelman's immediate incarceration.
Today is December 30th . It has now been 53 Days since the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals SECOND ORDER directing District Judge Mark Fuller to show cause for denying Siegelman appeal bond:
Don Siegelman has now been imprisoned for 6 months and 1 day with no explanation as to why he was denied an appeal bond.
It has been 18 Months and 2 days since the trial ended and NO TRIAL TRANSCRIPT has been produced by Judge Fuller's court. Siegelman can not appeal his conviction without the trial transcript.
August 7, 2007
Scott Horton, Harper's Magazine
The main question regarding Judge Mark Fuller's behavior in the Siegelman case is whether it was appropriate for him to have taken the case in the first place. So I discussed the issues with Professor David Luban , University Professor and Professor of Law and Philosophy at Georgetown University, and a well known legal ethicist. Luban is the author of Legal Ethics and Human Dignity, issued this year by Cambridge University Press, among other works, and is an occasional contributor to Harper's Magazine.
1. Judge Fuller is a Republican, and before coming to the bench he worked on a number of Republican campaigns. He served as a member of the Alabama Republican Executive Committee at a time when Don Siegelman was a Democratic state office holder. Was it proper for Fuller to sit as a judge in the Siegelman prosecution?
There's a well-accepted legal standard for when a judge should disqualify himself from a case: the judge should bow out when his impartiality can reasonably be questioned. That's the standard in both the judicial code of ethics and in federal law. The point is to maintain confidence in the fairness and integrity of the legal system. Keeping that in mind, the bare fact that Judge Fuller is a Republican clearly isn't enough to raise questions. Most judges belong to one party or the other, and a lot got their job on the bench because they were active party members. We expect that they can put mere party sympathy aside when they try cases. But on these facts, Judge Fuller was a lot more than just an active party member. He was a electoral strategist, an executive committee member, and an anti-Siegelman campaigner. How can a reasonable person fail to have doubts about his impartiality? If you've spent years organizing the "Beat the Yankees" Club, you should not be umpiring a Yankees game-even if you think you can call the game honestly.
2. In addition to his political engagement, a Siegelman appointee questioned some extraordinary payments Fuller made while he was a district attorney. There was a litigation in which Fuller testified, and the court ruled against him and for the state retirement agency. Fuller was quoted as stating that this was "politically motivated." Does this raise any questions?
If Judge Fuller complained that it was "politically motivated," it sounds like he might be blaming Siegelman for it. Without knowing the context it's hard to tell whether the judge was complaining only about the appointee, or the governor as well. If the latter, it means that the judge had expressed a grudge against Siegelman and obviously should not be trying his case.
3. Judge Fuller appears to derive most of his income from a closely-held business in which he remains the controlling shareholder. The business is almost entirely involved with government contracts, with the Department of Defense and Department of Justice as contractors. What is your reaction when you look at the recusal motion, in which this was set out in some detail, the Justice Department's response, and Judge Fuller's ruling?
Generally, the standards for recusal motions are tough, to discourage parties from judge-shopping. I started reading these papers with that viewpoint-namely that the defendant had an almost impossible case to make. But the more I read the papers, the more I was persuaded that this actually was one of those rare cases where the burden was met. Remember: the legal standard is whether you can reasonably question the judge's impartiality. If so, the law requires the judge to disqualify himself. This is not a run-of-the-mill criminal case where a judge's commercial side-dealings with the government would not raise a question about pro-government bias. This one is a politically charged case involving a former governor in which political leaders in Washington, D.C., who ultimately exercise tremendous control over the process of military procurement contracts, are likely to take great interest. Given the amount of money Judge Fuller's company gets from government contracts, any reasonable person would question how impartial he could be. He should not have taken this case, and with a recusal motion made, he had no option but to drop out.
What amazes me about these facts is that they combine past political activism against the governor, a possible grudge against the governor, and the judge's company's financial dependence on the government's good graces. If they're right (I don't have any independent knowledge of that), any one by itself would raise reasonable questions about the judge's ability to be impartial. Taken together, we have a perfect storm. Under these circumstances, impartiality would take superhuman self-control, and we don't expect judges to be superhuman. The recusal standard is designed so that we don't have to expect it.
4. You read the Justice Department's papers, which were filed both by the U.S. Attorney's office in Montgomery and by the Public Integrity Section at the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C.
I was troubled by the papers filed by the Department of Justice. Half the argument is an ad hominem attack on their adversary's attorneys for daring to question the government's fairness. Without offering any evidence, it accuses them of bad faith, and it's loaded with insulting adjectives. The motion makes it look like the government is blowing smoke to deflect attention away from the real issue.
But rhetorical overkill isn't the main problem. The most troubling problem is that the Justice Department's Professional Integrity Section joined this response. That was a real lapse of professional judgment. PIN (as it's called) is in charge of policing public officials. That includes judges as well as elected officials. Under some circumstances, PIN could be called on to make an independent after-the-fact assessment of Judge Fuller's conduct. By signing onto the Justice Department's submission at this point, before there's been a hearing on the recusal motion, the Public Integrity Section makes it virtually impossible for it to do its oversight job later, because it's already staked out a position on the case before hearing all sides of the argument.
Puerto Ricans Targeted by Feds in New York-From Yerbabuena
Feds target Puerto Ricans in New York
New York City, December 28th, 2007
Groups and individuals from diverse sectors of the Puerto Rican pro-independence movement and the Boricua Community in general, are currently urgently meeting in Puerto Rico and throughout the Diaspora to organize against the latest offensive by the U.S. Department of Justice, after being informed that several young Boricua pro-independence activists from New York City have been subpoenaed to appear before a Federal Grand jury investigating the Puerto Rican Independence Movement in general, and in particular, the Ejercito Popular Boricua (EPB: ‘Popular Boricua Army’) aka the “Macheteros.”
Tania Frontera, Christopher Torres and Julio Pabón Jr. are scheduled to appear before a Federal Grand Jury on January 11, 2008. Hector Rivera, co-founder of the cultural institution The Welfare Poets, is also expected to be served with a subpoena to appear on that day. In the past, due to the fact that some pro-independence activists have traditionally refused to receive the subpoenas from the Grand Jury or to respond to its questions, many have ended up behind bars.
Both the FBI and U.S. Dept. of Justice have made it clear that there is an ongoing investigation focused on the Ejercito Popular Boricua (EPB)-Macheteros. Special Agent Luis Fraticelli, who heads the FBI in San Juan, has said that the agency intends to capture “Comandante Guasábara” of the EPB, who is believed to have succeeded Filiberto Ojeda Ríos in the leadership of the clandestine revolutionary organization. Ojeda Ríos was assassinated by the federal agents on September 23, 2005, the day that Puerto Rican People commemorate the uprising against Spanish Colonialism and considered the historical Birth of the Boricua Nation.
The initial rumors that the recent subpoenas had been issued and served began to circulate almost simultaneously as the new progress report of the White House’s committee reviewing the colonial conditions of Puerto Rico was made public. The subpoenas, all served in New York City, are to appear before the Federal Grand Jury on the following January 11.
Although many are shocked by the identity of some of the particular individuals targeted, this latest offensive by the U.S. Federal Government has not come as a total surprise to the Pro-Independence Movement, which has been organizing to prepare for an expected new wave of political repression and possibly arrests.
There will be a rally in protest of the recent subpoenas and the political oppression of the Puerto Rican People on FRIDAY JANUARY 11TH - 9:30 A.M. at the BROOKLYN FEDERAL COURT on CAMDEN PLAZA.
New York City, December 28th, 2007
Groups and individuals from diverse sectors of the Puerto Rican pro-independence movement and the Boricua Community in general, are currently urgently meeting in Puerto Rico and throughout the Diaspora to organize against the latest offensive by the U.S. Department of Justice, after being informed that several young Boricua pro-independence activists from New York City have been subpoenaed to appear before a Federal Grand jury investigating the Puerto Rican Independence Movement in general, and in particular, the Ejercito Popular Boricua (EPB: ‘Popular Boricua Army’) aka the “Macheteros.”
Tania Frontera, Christopher Torres and Julio Pabón Jr. are scheduled to appear before a Federal Grand Jury on January 11, 2008. Hector Rivera, co-founder of the cultural institution The Welfare Poets, is also expected to be served with a subpoena to appear on that day. In the past, due to the fact that some pro-independence activists have traditionally refused to receive the subpoenas from the Grand Jury or to respond to its questions, many have ended up behind bars.
Both the FBI and U.S. Dept. of Justice have made it clear that there is an ongoing investigation focused on the Ejercito Popular Boricua (EPB)-Macheteros. Special Agent Luis Fraticelli, who heads the FBI in San Juan, has said that the agency intends to capture “Comandante Guasábara” of the EPB, who is believed to have succeeded Filiberto Ojeda Ríos in the leadership of the clandestine revolutionary organization. Ojeda Ríos was assassinated by the federal agents on September 23, 2005, the day that Puerto Rican People commemorate the uprising against Spanish Colonialism and considered the historical Birth of the Boricua Nation.
The initial rumors that the recent subpoenas had been issued and served began to circulate almost simultaneously as the new progress report of the White House’s committee reviewing the colonial conditions of Puerto Rico was made public. The subpoenas, all served in New York City, are to appear before the Federal Grand Jury on the following January 11.
Although many are shocked by the identity of some of the particular individuals targeted, this latest offensive by the U.S. Federal Government has not come as a total surprise to the Pro-Independence Movement, which has been organizing to prepare for an expected new wave of political repression and possibly arrests.
There will be a rally in protest of the recent subpoenas and the political oppression of the Puerto Rican People on FRIDAY JANUARY 11TH - 9:30 A.M. at the BROOKLYN FEDERAL COURT on CAMDEN PLAZA.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
"People are poor not because of lack of money, but because of lack of relationships." Quote from a dinner I had.
CNN showed pictures of several of her followers digging Bhutto's grave in Pakistan. It made me think of those who loved Malcolm X, including Ozzie Davis, digging his grave.
Benazir Bhutto's assassination has left me absolutely sick. I am convinced Musharaf had his hand in it. I stand with her aides and her family.
Friday, December 28, 2007
17 Year Old Dies Due to Machinations of Insurance Company
Read this story of the death of Natalie Sarkysian at the hands of Cigna Insurance.
I have been left raw all day by news of Benazir Bhutto's assassination.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Markers of Patriarchy
family, Faith, Flag, Neighborhood, White Privilege....all of these things can be used and are used by people wishing to promote patriarchy.
Sweet Inspiration/Where You Lead
Barbra Streisand
I need your sweet inspiration
I need you here on my mind
Every hour of the day
Without your sweet inspiration
The lonely hours of the night
Just don't go my way
Wanting you the way I do
I only want to be with you
And I would go to the ends of the earth
'Cause darling, to me that's what you're worth
Where you lead, I will follow
Anywhere you tell me to
If you need, need me to be with you
I will follow where you lead
If you're out on the road
Feelin' lonely and oh so cold
All you gotta do is call my name
And I'll be there on the next train
Where you lead I will follow
Anywhere you tell me to
If you need, need me to be with you
I will follow where you lead
I'd always wanted a real home
With flowers on the windowsill
But if you want to leave in New York City
Honey, you know I will
Yes I will
Yes I will
I never thought I could get satisfaction
From just one man
If anyone can keep me happy
Oh, you're the one who can
I'm gonna follow where you lead me
I'm gonna follow where you lead me
I need your sweet inspiration
I need you here on my mind
Every hour of the day
Without your sweet inspiration
The lonely hours of the night
Just don't go my way
Oh, a woman in love needs sweet inspiration
And honey that's all I ask, you know
That's all I ask from you
I gotta have your sweet inspiration
You know there just ain't no tellin'
What a satisfied woman might do
The way you call me baby, baby (such a sweet inspiration)
The way you call me darlin', darlin' (sets my heart a skating)
And if I'm out in the rain, baby (and in a bad situation)
You know I just look back in my mind
And there I find your sweet, sweet inspiration
Inspiration, oh what a power
And a bucket of power every hour of the day
I need your sweet inspiration
To go on livin', to keep on givin' this way
Wanting you the way I do (sweet, sweet)
Only want to be with you (sweet, sweet)
Gonna follow where you lead (sweet, sweet)
Baby you're just what I need
Your sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet inspiration
And honey that's all I ask, you know
That's all I ask from you
I gotta have your sweet inspiration
You know there just ain't no telling
What a satisfied woman can do
You are You are my You are my sweet inspiration
I need your sweet inspiration
I need you here on my mind
Every hour of the day
Without your sweet inspiration
The lonely hours of the night
Just don't go my way
Wanting you the way I do
I only want to be with you
And I would go to the ends of the earth
'Cause darling, to me that's what you're worth
Where you lead, I will follow
Anywhere you tell me to
If you need, need me to be with you
I will follow where you lead
If you're out on the road
Feelin' lonely and oh so cold
All you gotta do is call my name
And I'll be there on the next train
Where you lead I will follow
Anywhere you tell me to
If you need, need me to be with you
I will follow where you lead
I'd always wanted a real home
With flowers on the windowsill
But if you want to leave in New York City
Honey, you know I will
Yes I will
Yes I will
I never thought I could get satisfaction
From just one man
If anyone can keep me happy
Oh, you're the one who can
I'm gonna follow where you lead me
I'm gonna follow where you lead me
I need your sweet inspiration
I need you here on my mind
Every hour of the day
Without your sweet inspiration
The lonely hours of the night
Just don't go my way
Oh, a woman in love needs sweet inspiration
And honey that's all I ask, you know
That's all I ask from you
I gotta have your sweet inspiration
You know there just ain't no tellin'
What a satisfied woman might do
The way you call me baby, baby (such a sweet inspiration)
The way you call me darlin', darlin' (sets my heart a skating)
And if I'm out in the rain, baby (and in a bad situation)
You know I just look back in my mind
And there I find your sweet, sweet inspiration
Inspiration, oh what a power
And a bucket of power every hour of the day
I need your sweet inspiration
To go on livin', to keep on givin' this way
Wanting you the way I do (sweet, sweet)
Only want to be with you (sweet, sweet)
Gonna follow where you lead (sweet, sweet)
Baby you're just what I need
Your sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet inspiration
And honey that's all I ask, you know
That's all I ask from you
I gotta have your sweet inspiration
You know there just ain't no telling
What a satisfied woman can do
You are You are my You are my sweet inspiration
Dianne Reeves
I have crossed a thousand bridges
In my search for something real
There were great suspension bridges
Made like spider webs of steel
There were tinny wooden trestles
And there were bridges made of stone
I have always been a stranger and
I've always been alone
There's a bridge to tomorrow
There's a bridge to the past
There's a bridge made of sorrow
That I pray will not last
There's a bridge made of color
In the sky high above
And I pray that there must be
Bridges made out of love
I can see him in the distance
On the river's other shore
And his arms reach out in longing
As my own have done before
And I call across to tell him
Where I believe the bridge must lie
And I'll find it
Yes I'll find it
If I search until I die
When the bridges is between us
We'll have nothing to say
We will run thru the sunlight
And he'll meet me halfway
There's a bridge made of color
In the sky high above
And I know that there must be
Bridges made out of love
I have crossed a thousand bridges
In my search for something real
There were great suspension bridges
Made like spider webs of steel
There were tinny wooden trestles
And there were bridges made of stone
I have always been a stranger and
I've always been alone
There's a bridge to tomorrow
There's a bridge to the past
There's a bridge made of sorrow
That I pray will not last
There's a bridge made of color
In the sky high above
And I pray that there must be
Bridges made out of love
I can see him in the distance
On the river's other shore
And his arms reach out in longing
As my own have done before
And I call across to tell him
Where I believe the bridge must lie
And I'll find it
Yes I'll find it
If I search until I die
When the bridges is between us
We'll have nothing to say
We will run thru the sunlight
And he'll meet me halfway
There's a bridge made of color
In the sky high above
And I know that there must be
Bridges made out of love
Love For Sale
Dianne Reeves
Love for sale
Appetizing young love for sale
Love that's fresh and still unspoiled
Love that's only slightly soiled
Love for sale
Who will buy?
Who would like to sample my supply?
Who's prepared to pay the price for a trip to paradise?
Oh love for sale
Let the poets pipe of love in their childish way
You see I know every type of love better far than they
And if you want the thrill of love
I've been through the middle of love
Old love
New love
Every love but true love
Oh love for sale
I'm advertising young love for sale
If you want to try my wares
Follow me and climb the stairs
Love for sale
Let the poets pipe of love in their childish way
You see I know every type of love better far than they
If you want the thrill of love
I've been through the middle of love
Old love
New love
Every love but true love
Oh love for sale
I'm advertising young love for sale
If you want to try my wares
Follow me and climb the stairs
Oh love oh love my love young love
For sale
Love for sale
Appetizing young love for sale
Love that's fresh and still unspoiled
Love that's only slightly soiled
Love for sale
Who will buy?
Who would like to sample my supply?
Who's prepared to pay the price for a trip to paradise?
Oh love for sale
Let the poets pipe of love in their childish way
You see I know every type of love better far than they
And if you want the thrill of love
I've been through the middle of love
Old love
New love
Every love but true love
Oh love for sale
I'm advertising young love for sale
If you want to try my wares
Follow me and climb the stairs
Love for sale
Let the poets pipe of love in their childish way
You see I know every type of love better far than they
If you want the thrill of love
I've been through the middle of love
Old love
New love
Every love but true love
Oh love for sale
I'm advertising young love for sale
If you want to try my wares
Follow me and climb the stairs
Oh love oh love my love young love
For sale
Diane Reeves
Sad is to live in solitude
Far from your tranquil altitude
Sad is to know that no one ever can live on a dream
That never can be, will never be
Dreamer awake, wake up and see.
Your beauty is an aeroplane
So high my heart can't bear the strain
A heart that stops when you pass by
Only to cause me pain
Sad is to live in solitude
Sad is to live in solitude
Far from your tranquil altitude
Sad is to know that no one ever can live on a dream
That never can be, will never be
Dreamer awake, wake up and see.
Your beauty is an aeroplane
So high my heart can't bear the strain
A heart that stops when you pass by
Only to cause me pain
Sad is to live in solitude
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
After so many years of thinking in lines, I am beginning to see things in circles.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Christmas Tidings
I would like to offer to all political prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, Abu Gharib, the secret prisons held by the U.S. around the globe, as well as anyone else who is under political persecution, the words of Corrie Ten Boom: There is no pit so deep that he(the creatress, creator of the world) is not deeper still.
Sad News
Legendary jazz pianist, Oscar Peterson, died this Christmas eve.
Diane Rehm Interviews James Lipton
Click the above link to here her magnificent and beautiful interview with James Lipton of Inside the Actor's Studio.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Elaine Brown Live!
Elaine Brown will sing live in concert at Largo in Los Angeles on Friday January 18, 2008...hope to see you there, tell your friends. This is an extremely rare concert in an intimate space.
love & strength,
Elaine Brown Sings at Largo...
love & strength,
Elaine Brown Sings at Largo...
Saturday, December 22, 2007
My Favorite Holiday Song
This Christmas
Donnie Hathaway
Hang all the mistletoe
I'm gonna get to know you better
This Christmas
And as we trim the tree
How much fun it's gonna be together
This Christmas
Fireside blazing bright
We're caroling through the night
And this Christmas will be
A very special Christmas for me
Presents and cards are here
My world is filled with cheer, and you
This Christmas
And as I look around
Your eyes outshine the town, they do
This Christmas
Fireside blazing bright
We're caroling through the night
And this Christmas will be
A very special Christmas for me
Shake a hand, shake a hand now
Fireside blazing bright
We're caroling through the night
And this Christmas will be
A very special Christmas for me
Hang all the mistletoe
I'm gonna get to know you better
This Christmas
And as we trim the tree
How much fun it's gonna be together
This Christmas
Fireside blazing bright
We're caroling through the night
And this Christmas will be
A very special Christmas for me
Merry Christmas
Shake a hand, shake a hand now
Wish your brother "Merry Christmas"
All over the land
Donnie Hathaway
Hang all the mistletoe
I'm gonna get to know you better
This Christmas
And as we trim the tree
How much fun it's gonna be together
This Christmas
Fireside blazing bright
We're caroling through the night
And this Christmas will be
A very special Christmas for me
Presents and cards are here
My world is filled with cheer, and you
This Christmas
And as I look around
Your eyes outshine the town, they do
This Christmas
Fireside blazing bright
We're caroling through the night
And this Christmas will be
A very special Christmas for me
Shake a hand, shake a hand now
Fireside blazing bright
We're caroling through the night
And this Christmas will be
A very special Christmas for me
Hang all the mistletoe
I'm gonna get to know you better
This Christmas
And as we trim the tree
How much fun it's gonna be together
This Christmas
Fireside blazing bright
We're caroling through the night
And this Christmas will be
A very special Christmas for me
Merry Christmas
Shake a hand, shake a hand now
Wish your brother "Merry Christmas"
All over the land
I Hear This Song On The Radio All The TIme and It Is So Beautiful
by Ledisi
this life can make me so confused but it's alright
living day by day I feel so used that ain't right
I just wanna run and hide
I don't have the time to cry it's alright (it's alright)
many thoughts are running through my head, it's alright
wishing to be somewhere else but here, it's alright
I can't wait to see your face
I need a smile and your embrace, and I'm alright
life can bring us through many changes
just don't give up
it's gonna be alright
people come and they go
it's just the way that it goes
sometime the rain it makes me sad and it's alright
some things in the world make me mad and it's alright
in the morning when I see the sun I know I'm not the only one
its alright
wish I had some money to pay my bills
I can't even buy that dress on sale but it's alright
having money don't mean a thing
loving you is everything
I'm alright
(life can bring us through many changes
just don't give up
it's gonna be alright
people come and they go
that's just the way that it goes)
everything is everything
it's alright
by Ledisi
this life can make me so confused but it's alright
living day by day I feel so used that ain't right
I just wanna run and hide
I don't have the time to cry it's alright (it's alright)
many thoughts are running through my head, it's alright
wishing to be somewhere else but here, it's alright
I can't wait to see your face
I need a smile and your embrace, and I'm alright
life can bring us through many changes
just don't give up
it's gonna be alright
people come and they go
it's just the way that it goes
sometime the rain it makes me sad and it's alright
some things in the world make me mad and it's alright
in the morning when I see the sun I know I'm not the only one
its alright
wish I had some money to pay my bills
I can't even buy that dress on sale but it's alright
having money don't mean a thing
loving you is everything
I'm alright
(life can bring us through many changes
just don't give up
it's gonna be alright
people come and they go
that's just the way that it goes)
everything is everything
it's alright
Friday, December 21, 2007
Come In...
Dianne Reeves
When your ship is tossed on the ocean
I will shine you safely to shore
Of all my precious treasures our friendship measure as the golden one
Please don’t make me miss you forever
You’re a diamond shinning brighter than light
And if no one can see you believe that I do
And I need you
I’ll be here when you come in
When you been away to long
I counted the days you were gone
Hoping that you would come in
Come in
Oopen the waiting door
Don’t worry about what you find anymore
Just come on in
All the places that you try to remember and the faces you try to forget
They are older and wiser they’ll still criticize
But you can face them now
If you think they’re ready to hear you
You might tell one or two what you know
Maybe someone will see what the truth really means
Let them find you and welcome you too
Come in
Come in you’ve been away too long
I counted the days you were gone
Hoping that you would come in
Come in
Open the waiting door
Don’t worry about what you find anymore
Just come in
When your ship is tossed on the ocean
I will shine you safely to shore
Of all my precious treasures our friendship measure as the golden one
Please don’t make me miss you forever
You’re a diamond shinning brighter than light
And if no one can see you believe that I do
And I need you
I’ll be here when you come in
I’m like a rock and I just won’t move
I’m like the sun I’ll shine my light on you
Come in break it down
Come on in
Every secrete is safe with me
Every secrete is safe with me
I won’t tell
it’ll be locked away inside of my heart
Just come on in
Oh, and when you feel that the road is too long all you gotta do is lean on me I’ll help you carry on
You know I will I will I will
Just come on in Come on Come on Come on in
Come on
When your ship is tossed on the ocean
I will shine you safely to shore
Of all my precious treasures our friendship measure as the golden one
Please don’t make me miss you forever
You’re a diamond shinning brighter than light
And if no one can see you believe that I do
And I need you
I’ll be here when you come in
When you been away to long
I counted the days you were gone
Hoping that you would come in
Come in
Oopen the waiting door
Don’t worry about what you find anymore
Just come on in
All the places that you try to remember and the faces you try to forget
They are older and wiser they’ll still criticize
But you can face them now
If you think they’re ready to hear you
You might tell one or two what you know
Maybe someone will see what the truth really means
Let them find you and welcome you too
Come in
Come in you’ve been away too long
I counted the days you were gone
Hoping that you would come in
Come in
Open the waiting door
Don’t worry about what you find anymore
Just come in
When your ship is tossed on the ocean
I will shine you safely to shore
Of all my precious treasures our friendship measure as the golden one
Please don’t make me miss you forever
You’re a diamond shinning brighter than light
And if no one can see you believe that I do
And I need you
I’ll be here when you come in
I’m like a rock and I just won’t move
I’m like the sun I’ll shine my light on you
Come in break it down
Come on in
Every secrete is safe with me
Every secrete is safe with me
I won’t tell
it’ll be locked away inside of my heart
Just come on in
Oh, and when you feel that the road is too long all you gotta do is lean on me I’ll help you carry on
You know I will I will I will
Just come on in Come on Come on Come on in
Come on
Love For Sale
Dianne Reeves
Love for sale, appetizing young love for sale,
Love that's fresh and still unspoiled, love that's only slightly soiled,
Love for sale.
Who will buy? Who would like to sample my supply?
Who's prepared to pay the price for a trip to paradise
Love for sale.
Let the poets pipe of love in their childish way,
I know every type of love better far than they.
If you want the thrill of love, I've been through the mill of love,
Old love, new love, every love but true love.
Love for sale, appetizing young love for sale.
If you want to buy my wares, follow me and climb the stairs
Love for sale.
Love for sale, appetizing young love for sale,
Love that's fresh and still unspoiled, love that's only slightly soiled,
Love for sale.
Who will buy? Who would like to sample my supply?
Who's prepared to pay the price for a trip to paradise
Love for sale.
Let the poets pipe of love in their childish way,
I know every type of love better far than they.
If you want the thrill of love, I've been through the mill of love,
Old love, new love, every love but true love.
Love for sale, appetizing young love for sale.
If you want to buy my wares, follow me and climb the stairs
Love for sale.
Fire the District Attorney, Reed Walters in Jena, Louisiana-Repost
I think everyone across the country should call in to the office of the Governor of Louisiana and demand the job of Jena District attorney Reed Walters. You can contact the governor's office at
Office of the Governor
Attn: Constituent Services
P.O. Box 94004
Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9004 Facsimile: 225-342-7099 E-mail the Governor
To reach the courthouse in Jena, Louisiana call
1050 Courthouse St, Jena - (318) 992-2158
Demand that District Attorney Reed Walters loose his job over the case of the Jena 6. "With just a stroke of my pen, I can make your lives end."-D.A. Reed Walters to 6 Black Students in Jena, Louisiana.
Office of the Governor
Attn: Constituent Services
P.O. Box 94004
Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9004 Facsimile: 225-342-7099 E-mail the Governor
To reach the courthouse in Jena, Louisiana call
1050 Courthouse St, Jena - (318) 992-2158
Demand that District Attorney Reed Walters loose his job over the case of the Jena 6. "With just a stroke of my pen, I can make your lives end."-D.A. Reed Walters to 6 Black Students in Jena, Louisiana.
Kudos to the Lakota People for Breaking Treaties With The US
Descendants of Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse break away from US
December 20, 2007, AFP
WASHINGTON (AFP) - The Lakota Indians, who gave the world
legendary warriors Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, have
withdrawn from treaties with the United States, leaders said
"We are no longer citizens of the United States of America
and all those who live in the five-state area that
encompasses our country are free to join us," long-time
Indian rights activist Russell Means told a handful of
reporters and a delegation from the Bolivian embassy,
gathered in a church in a run-down neighborhood of Washington
for a news conference.
A delegation of Lakota leaders delivered a message to the
State Department on Monday, announcing they were unilaterally
withdrawing from treaties they signed with the federal
government of the United States, some of them more than 150
years old.
They also visited the Bolivian, Chilean, South African and
Venezuelan embassies, and will continue on their diplomatic
mission and take it overseas in the coming weeks and months,
they told the news conference.
Lakota country includes parts of the states of Nebraska,
South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana and Wyoming.
The new country would issue its own passports and driving
licences, and living there would be tax-free -- provided
residents renounce their US citizenship, Means said.
The treaties signed with the United States are merely
"worthless words on worthless paper," the Lakota freedom
activists say on their website.
The treaties have been "repeatedly violated in order to steal
our culture, our land and our ability to maintain our way of
life," the reborn freedom movement says.
Withdrawing from the treaties was entirely legal, Means said.
"This is according to the laws of the United States,
specifically article six of the constitution," which states
that treaties are the supreme law of the land, he said.
"It is also within the laws on treaties passed at the Vienna
Convention and put into effect by the US and the rest of the
international community in 1980. We are legally within our
rights to be free and independent," said Means.
The Lakota relaunched their journey to freedom in 1974, when
they drafted a declaration of continuing independence -- an
overt play on the title of the United States' Declaration of
Independence from England.
Thirty-three years have elapsed since then because "it takes
critical mass to combat colonialism and we wanted to make
sure that all our ducks were in a row," Means said.
One duck moved into place in September, when the United
Nations adopted a non-binding declaration on the rights of
indigenous peoples -- despite opposition from the United
States, which said it clashed with its own laws.
"We have 33 treaties with the United States that they have
not lived by. They continue to take our land, our water, our
children," Phyllis Young, who helped organize the first
international conference on indigenous rights in Geneva in
1977, told the news conference.
The US "annexation" of native American land has resulted in
once proud tribes such as the Lakota becoming mere
"facsimiles of white people," said Means.
Oppression at the hands of the US government has taken its
toll on the Lakota, whose men have one of the shortest life
expectancies -- less than 44 years -- in the world.
Lakota teen suicides are 150 percent above the norm for the
United States; infant mortality is five times higher than the
US average; and unemployment is rife, according to the Lakota
freedom movement's website.
"Our people want to live, not just survive or crawl and be
mascots," said Young.
"We are not trying to embarrass the United States. We are
here to continue the struggle for our children and
grandchildren," she said, predicting that the battle would
not be won in her lifetime.
December 20, 2007, AFP
WASHINGTON (AFP) - The Lakota Indians, who gave the world
legendary warriors Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, have
withdrawn from treaties with the United States, leaders said
"We are no longer citizens of the United States of America
and all those who live in the five-state area that
encompasses our country are free to join us," long-time
Indian rights activist Russell Means told a handful of
reporters and a delegation from the Bolivian embassy,
gathered in a church in a run-down neighborhood of Washington
for a news conference.
A delegation of Lakota leaders delivered a message to the
State Department on Monday, announcing they were unilaterally
withdrawing from treaties they signed with the federal
government of the United States, some of them more than 150
years old.
They also visited the Bolivian, Chilean, South African and
Venezuelan embassies, and will continue on their diplomatic
mission and take it overseas in the coming weeks and months,
they told the news conference.
Lakota country includes parts of the states of Nebraska,
South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana and Wyoming.
The new country would issue its own passports and driving
licences, and living there would be tax-free -- provided
residents renounce their US citizenship, Means said.
The treaties signed with the United States are merely
"worthless words on worthless paper," the Lakota freedom
activists say on their website.
The treaties have been "repeatedly violated in order to steal
our culture, our land and our ability to maintain our way of
life," the reborn freedom movement says.
Withdrawing from the treaties was entirely legal, Means said.
"This is according to the laws of the United States,
specifically article six of the constitution," which states
that treaties are the supreme law of the land, he said.
"It is also within the laws on treaties passed at the Vienna
Convention and put into effect by the US and the rest of the
international community in 1980. We are legally within our
rights to be free and independent," said Means.
The Lakota relaunched their journey to freedom in 1974, when
they drafted a declaration of continuing independence -- an
overt play on the title of the United States' Declaration of
Independence from England.
Thirty-three years have elapsed since then because "it takes
critical mass to combat colonialism and we wanted to make
sure that all our ducks were in a row," Means said.
One duck moved into place in September, when the United
Nations adopted a non-binding declaration on the rights of
indigenous peoples -- despite opposition from the United
States, which said it clashed with its own laws.
"We have 33 treaties with the United States that they have
not lived by. They continue to take our land, our water, our
children," Phyllis Young, who helped organize the first
international conference on indigenous rights in Geneva in
1977, told the news conference.
The US "annexation" of native American land has resulted in
once proud tribes such as the Lakota becoming mere
"facsimiles of white people," said Means.
Oppression at the hands of the US government has taken its
toll on the Lakota, whose men have one of the shortest life
expectancies -- less than 44 years -- in the world.
Lakota teen suicides are 150 percent above the norm for the
United States; infant mortality is five times higher than the
US average; and unemployment is rife, according to the Lakota
freedom movement's website.
"Our people want to live, not just survive or crawl and be
mascots," said Young.
"We are not trying to embarrass the United States. We are
here to continue the struggle for our children and
grandchildren," she said, predicting that the battle would
not be won in her lifetime.
Eric Volz in Nicauraugua
Do they actually think that Daniel Ortega or anyone in Nicauraugua is going to listen to Condoleeza Rice? They better send Jesse Jackson...
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Police Beat Citizens in New Orleans

The power structure in New Orleans should be castrated. They beat, tasered, and manhandled the citizens of New Orleans in the effort of pushing out the poor and the minorities who serve as the underclass of that society. We must all demand justice for the victims of Katrina.
I have written fifty-four pages of my novel....I feel quite of these days I am going to get around to writing a post about the history of corporations... John Henrik Clarke said something that struck a cord with me. He said corporations made it to this country before white men did....with the London Virginia Company or whatever the name of it was.... and to think of how corporations have become these quasi-human things that affect the lives of soo many people. Oh, that court decision that gave corporations protections and rights as people under the fourteenth amendment.
NEW ORLEANS – A day of demolition for the B.W. Cooper housing complex
here was stopped today by three local housing activists who chained
themselves to the facilities as the bulldozers were getting ready to
continue tearing down the 1,000-unit complex. After attempting to start
work for an hour, bulldozer operators gave up for the day when the three
activists – Jamie "Bork" Loughner, Elizabeth Cook, and Joy Kohler –
refused to leave.
The three were subsequently arrested and are still in police custody at
this hour. Loughner has been charged with possessing a false explosive
device, terrorizing, resisting an officer, and criminal trespass. Allies
in the activist community here suspect that the authorities intend to
keep the three jailed through tomorrow's scheduled meeting of the City
Council, at which a final vote to approve the demolition of B.W. Cooper
and three other public housing complexes is expected to be taken.
"We won't be stopped in our fight to secure public housing for all
citizens of New Orleans of any ethnicity," Loughner and Cook said in a
statement. "The government's attempts to sweep us aside and suppress our
voices will not be successful, and even from jail, we won't be silenced."
The day of civil resistance against demolitions in a city that is still
desperately short of affordable housing in the wake of Hurricane Katrina
was endorsed by three local activist groups: MayDay NOLA, C3 Hands Off
Iberville, and Friends and Residents of B.W. Cooper
The planned destruction of New Orleans public housing, part of a wider
plan to dissolve poorer communities and gentrify the city post-Katrina,
has sparked unprecedented resistance in New Orleans and solidarity
across the country. In today's New York Times, architecture critic
Nicolas Ouroussoff calls the demolitions "one of the greatest crimes in
American urban planning."
here was stopped today by three local housing activists who chained
themselves to the facilities as the bulldozers were getting ready to
continue tearing down the 1,000-unit complex. After attempting to start
work for an hour, bulldozer operators gave up for the day when the three
activists – Jamie "Bork" Loughner, Elizabeth Cook, and Joy Kohler –
refused to leave.
The three were subsequently arrested and are still in police custody at
this hour. Loughner has been charged with possessing a false explosive
device, terrorizing, resisting an officer, and criminal trespass. Allies
in the activist community here suspect that the authorities intend to
keep the three jailed through tomorrow's scheduled meeting of the City
Council, at which a final vote to approve the demolition of B.W. Cooper
and three other public housing complexes is expected to be taken.
"We won't be stopped in our fight to secure public housing for all
citizens of New Orleans of any ethnicity," Loughner and Cook said in a
statement. "The government's attempts to sweep us aside and suppress our
voices will not be successful, and even from jail, we won't be silenced."
The day of civil resistance against demolitions in a city that is still
desperately short of affordable housing in the wake of Hurricane Katrina
was endorsed by three local activist groups: MayDay NOLA, C3 Hands Off
Iberville, and Friends and Residents of B.W. Cooper
The planned destruction of New Orleans public housing, part of a wider
plan to dissolve poorer communities and gentrify the city post-Katrina,
has sparked unprecedented resistance in New Orleans and solidarity
across the country. In today's New York Times, architecture critic
Nicolas Ouroussoff calls the demolitions "one of the greatest crimes in
American urban planning."
Congratulations to Barbra on being inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame!
Impeachment Resolution Passed in House-From Barbra/s Website
In The Dark
This week, a landmark House Resolution (H RES 799) calling for the investigation by the House Judiciary Committee of the impeachment of Vice President Dick Cheney for High Crimes and Misdemeanors passed in the House of Representatives. In an unexpected move, House Democrats along with some Republicans, voted to move the Resolution forward. H RES 799 is the first major step by Congress to hold members of the Bush Administration accountable. The Resolution, introduced by Congressman Kucinich, states that the Vice President of the United States has purposely manipulated intelligence to deceive the citizens and the congress of the United States by fabricating a threat of Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction to justify the war in Iraq.
When 218 members of congress show a level of support to pursue the consideration of impeachment of a sitting Vice President, every major newspaper and news program in the country should be leading with this story. But that has not been the case. Not only did they not lead with this story, in nearly all cases they ignored it. Thus, Americans are probably still in the dark about these proceedings.
The last time someone in the executive branch of government was threatened with impeachment was in 1998 and this resulted from personal indiscretions. The press obsessively covered every sensational detail of the Clinton impeachment process. Clearly, we must come to the conclusion that the press does not consider major issues of national security, such as the lead up to war based on false premises, manipulating intelligence and lying to the American public as important.
In a democracy, we count on the press to be a counter check to the branches of government; we count on the press to keep the public informed. The need for an independent and strong press comes from the peoples’ right to know what our government officials are doing. So how can it be that a major issue that potentially raises concerns about high crimes and misdemeanors in the executive branch of government is not reported? Is it that corporations have such a tight strangle hold on our media that journalists no longer feel free to cover important stories in order to enlighten and educate the public? Are these corporate media moguls sacrificing a strong press in order maintain cozy relationships with high level government officials and protect their ever widening consolidation of media outlets? If so, where does that leave the American public? Sadly, I think it leaves us in the dark.
This week, a landmark House Resolution (H RES 799) calling for the investigation by the House Judiciary Committee of the impeachment of Vice President Dick Cheney for High Crimes and Misdemeanors passed in the House of Representatives. In an unexpected move, House Democrats along with some Republicans, voted to move the Resolution forward. H RES 799 is the first major step by Congress to hold members of the Bush Administration accountable. The Resolution, introduced by Congressman Kucinich, states that the Vice President of the United States has purposely manipulated intelligence to deceive the citizens and the congress of the United States by fabricating a threat of Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction to justify the war in Iraq.
When 218 members of congress show a level of support to pursue the consideration of impeachment of a sitting Vice President, every major newspaper and news program in the country should be leading with this story. But that has not been the case. Not only did they not lead with this story, in nearly all cases they ignored it. Thus, Americans are probably still in the dark about these proceedings.
The last time someone in the executive branch of government was threatened with impeachment was in 1998 and this resulted from personal indiscretions. The press obsessively covered every sensational detail of the Clinton impeachment process. Clearly, we must come to the conclusion that the press does not consider major issues of national security, such as the lead up to war based on false premises, manipulating intelligence and lying to the American public as important.
In a democracy, we count on the press to be a counter check to the branches of government; we count on the press to keep the public informed. The need for an independent and strong press comes from the peoples’ right to know what our government officials are doing. So how can it be that a major issue that potentially raises concerns about high crimes and misdemeanors in the executive branch of government is not reported? Is it that corporations have such a tight strangle hold on our media that journalists no longer feel free to cover important stories in order to enlighten and educate the public? Are these corporate media moguls sacrificing a strong press in order maintain cozy relationships with high level government officials and protect their ever widening consolidation of media outlets? If so, where does that leave the American public? Sadly, I think it leaves us in the dark.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Alice Walker's Papers Going to Emory
Emory University has just secured the rights to Alice Walker's papers, including all correspondence, notebooks, and notes dating back to her teenage years. Alice says that Emory is "a place where my archive can rest with joy in the company it keeps." What a wonderful, joyous occassion!
I think everyone should keep their eye on the Indiana Voter ID case that is going before the Supreme Court next month. We should be vigilant about preserving fair and free elections in this country.
I love what I heard once. An enemy is a person whose story we have not yet heard.
International Community Asked To Scrutinize Racism in U.S. Census Practices- From Hungry Blues
The U.S. Census in essence collaborates with the Prison Industrial Complex to revive the Three-fifths clause by which Blacks(this time Blacks who are in prison--for whom the constitution says slavery is still a legal punishment) are added to the census count of majority white populations--the towns in which these prisons are conveniently located, instead of counting these people of color in the communities where they came from. This advantages white communities in their voting power and the resources they recieve. This does make me think quite a bit...They don't put prisons in ghetto areas...because they and brown peoples (and other people too) would be jumping out of windows left and right...and there would be nowhere to find them.
We need to get rid of corporate Democrats, as I shall term them, who are no better than republicans and who are just as dedicated to patriarchy and the current system that we have. It is these very people who oblige themselves(and the rest of us with them) to George Bush and who have allowed for torture, the resurgence of COINTELPRO(this time with a judicial and legislative stamp), and other abuses. I am talking about people such as Nancy Pelosi(I don;t know what her problem is, perhaps she is actually trying to do something, but I am not convinced), and especially Jane Hartman of California who instead of trying to castrate patriarchy and deliver a new and better world has sponsored such bullshit as the so-called Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Act--where are you trying to feed hungry children you bitch? I am sure there are a multitude of others. People who go along with the game. The game is changing and you WILL ultimately lose, but in the meantime we need to clean house.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Until You Come Back to Me
Luther Vandross
I wanna tell you, baby
The changes I've been goin' through
Missin' you, missin' you, oh...oh...
Till you come back to me
I don't know what I'm gonna do
N-n-n-no, n-n-no
Don't you remember you told me you loved me, baby
You said you'd be comin' back this way again, baby
Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, oh, baby
I love you
Yeah...I really do
Long ago
And oh, so far away
I fell in love with you
Before the second show
And your guitar
And you sound so sweet and clear
But you're not really here
It's just the radio
Don't you remember you told me you loved me, baby
You said you'd be comin' back this way again, baby
Baby, baby, baby, baby, oh, baby, yeah
I love you
I really do
(To belong) Yeah...hey...eah...yeah...hey...hey
(To belong) Whoa...ho...oh...whoa...ho...ho...
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
You looked for me to be yours
You want my love, but you're on the road
Don't you remember me anymore
Is such a sad affair
A sad affair
And I can hardly wait
To be with you again
And what to say, to say
To make you come again
Oh, honey
Come on back to me again, yeah, hey
I wanna be, I wanna be anywhere you are
Don't you remember you told me you loved me, baby
You said you'd be comin' back this way again, baby
Baby, baby, baby, woo, baby, oh, baby
Yes, I love you
I really do
Yeah, hey...
Yeah, yeah...eah...yeah...ooh...
Play it easy, play it easy
Keep it right there, keep it right there, keep it right there
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
When are you gonna say
It's alright, it's alright
Ooh, baby, it's alright, it's alright
Alright now
Keep it right there, keep it right there
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
It's alright, it's alright
Ooh, baby, it's alright, it's alright
Say it's alright, it's alright
Say, ooh, baby, it's alright, it's alright
Alright now
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Say it's alright, it's alright
Ooh, baby, it's alright, it's alright
Alright now
Alright now
I used to be sad
But now it's alright, it's alright
Ooh, baby, it's alright, it's alright
Alright now
I wonder, I wonder
Where are you again tonight
Are you holdin' someone else real tight
I wonder, I wonder, I wonder
I wanna tell you, baby
The changes I've been goin' through
Missin' you, missin' you, oh...oh...
Till you come back to me
I don't know what I'm gonna do
N-n-n-no, n-n-no
Don't you remember you told me you loved me, baby
You said you'd be comin' back this way again, baby
Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, oh, baby
I love you
Yeah...I really do
Long ago
And oh, so far away
I fell in love with you
Before the second show
And your guitar
And you sound so sweet and clear
But you're not really here
It's just the radio
Don't you remember you told me you loved me, baby
You said you'd be comin' back this way again, baby
Baby, baby, baby, baby, oh, baby, yeah
I love you
I really do
(To belong) Yeah...hey...eah...yeah...hey...hey
(To belong) Whoa...ho...oh...whoa...ho...ho...
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
You looked for me to be yours
You want my love, but you're on the road
Don't you remember me anymore
Is such a sad affair
A sad affair
And I can hardly wait
To be with you again
And what to say, to say
To make you come again
Oh, honey
Come on back to me again, yeah, hey
I wanna be, I wanna be anywhere you are
Don't you remember you told me you loved me, baby
You said you'd be comin' back this way again, baby
Baby, baby, baby, woo, baby, oh, baby
Yes, I love you
I really do
Yeah, hey...
Yeah, yeah...eah...yeah...ooh...
Play it easy, play it easy
Keep it right there, keep it right there, keep it right there
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
When are you gonna say
It's alright, it's alright
Ooh, baby, it's alright, it's alright
Alright now
Keep it right there, keep it right there
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
It's alright, it's alright
Ooh, baby, it's alright, it's alright
Say it's alright, it's alright
Say, ooh, baby, it's alright, it's alright
Alright now
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Say it's alright, it's alright
Ooh, baby, it's alright, it's alright
Alright now
Alright now
I used to be sad
But now it's alright, it's alright
Ooh, baby, it's alright, it's alright
Alright now
I wonder, I wonder
Where are you again tonight
Are you holdin' someone else real tight
I wonder, I wonder, I wonder
Wait For Love
Luther Vandross
Knowing love the way I do
I can say for certain that its true
Theres a chance for me and you.
I surely feel like the time is near
The picture in my mind is very clear
I think love has brought us here
I remember not too long ago
I was just a lonely person
With a lonely heart, yeah
And I was hoping there could one day be,
Be a chance
For me to get the love
That Id been missing
Sometimes love takes a long time
Wait for love
And youre gonna to get the chance to love
Wait for love, wait for love oh, my
When you take the chance on love youll see
Its not a waste of time if you truly believe
The impossible can be
So hold on tight if you think youre right
Cuz nothing hurts as bad as when you see
You gave up too easily
Now I remember spending all my time
On a dream that kept me wishing that you could be mine, yeah
And I was hoping there could one day be, be a chance, whoa
I never stopped believing there could one day be, be a chance
For me to get the love that Id been missing
Sometimes love takes a long time
Wait for love, and youre going to get your
Chance to love
Wait for love, wait for love
And youll get the love that youve been missing
Sometimes love takes a long time
But wait for love
And youre going to get your chance to love
Knowing love the way I do
I can say for certain that its true
Theres a chance for me and you.
I surely feel like the time is near
The picture in my mind is very clear
I think love has brought us here
I remember not too long ago
I was just a lonely person
With a lonely heart, yeah
And I was hoping there could one day be,
Be a chance
For me to get the love
That Id been missing
Sometimes love takes a long time
Wait for love
And youre gonna to get the chance to love
Wait for love, wait for love oh, my
When you take the chance on love youll see
Its not a waste of time if you truly believe
The impossible can be
So hold on tight if you think youre right
Cuz nothing hurts as bad as when you see
You gave up too easily
Now I remember spending all my time
On a dream that kept me wishing that you could be mine, yeah
And I was hoping there could one day be, be a chance, whoa
I never stopped believing there could one day be, be a chance
For me to get the love that Id been missing
Sometimes love takes a long time
Wait for love, and youre going to get your
Chance to love
Wait for love, wait for love
And youll get the love that youve been missing
Sometimes love takes a long time
But wait for love
And youre going to get your chance to love
A Rose is Still a Rose
Doo doo doo doo doo doo mmm
Dooby dooby doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo doo doo doo mmm
There was a rose I knew, I met her once or twice before
She was a pretty sweet thing, not the least bit insecure
Then you came with your slick game and played with her youth
Ashamed of the way you lied, played with the truth, hey, hey
Mmm, she never knew what hit her
Steal her honey, then forget her
A rose
She wears a flower
Tryin’ to forget about you
‘Cause a rose is still a rose
Baby, girl, you’re still a flower
He can’t lead you and then take you
Make you and then break you
Darlin’, you hold the power
Now believe me when I tell you that I’ve been hurt myself
When he tells you that he loves you and sees nobody else
And now you’re so tough tryin’ to wear tight clothes and things
Tossin’ and flossin’, tryin’ to fill the void heartbreak brings
When she faces the mirror, yeah
She’s cryin’, you can’t hear her
Now the rose is still a rose
She wears a flower, tryin’ to forget about you
‘Cause a rose is still a rose
Baby, girl, you’re still a flower
He can’t lead you and then take you
Make you and then break you
Baby, girl, you hold the power
See a rose is still a rose
Baby, girl, you’re still a flower
He can’t lead you and then take you
Make you and then break you
Darlin’, you hold the power
Let your life be in the sunshine
Not the darkness of your sorrow
You may see your all today
When you know it’ll come tomorrow
Tough to be, but life ain’t over
Just because your man is gone
Girl, love yourself and love to love
‘Cause without him your life goes on
Without him your life goes on
Without him your life goes on
‘Cause a rose is still a rose
Baby, girl, you’re still a flower
He can’t lead you and then take you
Make you and then break you
Baby, girl, you hold the power
See a rose is still a rose
Baby, girl, you’re still a flower
He can’t lead you and then take you
Make you and then break you
Darlin’, you hold the power
Doo doo doo doo doo doo mmm
Dooby dooby doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo doo doo doo mmm
There was a rose I knew, I met her once or twice before
She was a pretty sweet thing, not the least bit insecure
Then you came with your slick game and played with her youth
Ashamed of the way you lied, played with the truth, hey, hey
Mmm, she never knew what hit her
Steal her honey, then forget her
A rose
She wears a flower
Tryin’ to forget about you
‘Cause a rose is still a rose
Baby, girl, you’re still a flower
He can’t lead you and then take you
Make you and then break you
Darlin’, you hold the power
Now believe me when I tell you that I’ve been hurt myself
When he tells you that he loves you and sees nobody else
And now you’re so tough tryin’ to wear tight clothes and things
Tossin’ and flossin’, tryin’ to fill the void heartbreak brings
When she faces the mirror, yeah
She’s cryin’, you can’t hear her
Now the rose is still a rose
She wears a flower, tryin’ to forget about you
‘Cause a rose is still a rose
Baby, girl, you’re still a flower
He can’t lead you and then take you
Make you and then break you
Baby, girl, you hold the power
See a rose is still a rose
Baby, girl, you’re still a flower
He can’t lead you and then take you
Make you and then break you
Darlin’, you hold the power
Let your life be in the sunshine
Not the darkness of your sorrow
You may see your all today
When you know it’ll come tomorrow
Tough to be, but life ain’t over
Just because your man is gone
Girl, love yourself and love to love
‘Cause without him your life goes on
Without him your life goes on
Without him your life goes on
‘Cause a rose is still a rose
Baby, girl, you’re still a flower
He can’t lead you and then take you
Make you and then break you
Baby, girl, you hold the power
See a rose is still a rose
Baby, girl, you’re still a flower
He can’t lead you and then take you
Make you and then break you
Darlin’, you hold the power
I'm Crying Real Tears

What a shock that was delivered to me just moments ago when I heard that Julia Carson, Democrat representing Indianapolis in the House of Representatives, was dead. Rep. Carson was a beautiful person through and through. I met her briefly a couple of times, but even more so than that--she appeared at every single anti-war rally that was held in Indianapolis during my time there--or at least made her support known when she couldnt attend. She was a lady of style and flare for sure,from what I can tell. I will never forget how she showed up at a rally in a fabulous fur coat to deliver a powerful tirade against the Bush administration. We have had no stronger representation in the U.S. bodies of government than the late Mrs. Carson. Why are all the good people dying off? We must all sing this incredible lady's praises.
Monday, December 17, 2007
74-year-old Beaten By Miami Police

Please read this news story concerning the beating of 74-year-old community activist, Bernard Dyer, in Miami, Florida by Miami police. This man, a war veteran who has suffered severe mental disabilities due to military service , has been beaten nearly to death after a call was made to the police reporting that he was rambling through the hallway of his apartment building. He had earlier that week spoken at a major news conference called by several civil rights organizations around Miami. Something must be done and I urge everyone to be on the phone to the Miami Police Department lodging complaints.
Joe Madison on CSPAN
I just saw Joe Madison being interviewed by Brian Lamb on CSPAN. What a lovely man.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
Please Read About the Halliburton Rape Case
This is just one of the many atrocities that are occuring in Iraq as a result of the criminal activity of the Bush administration.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Second Fashion Piece-Ten Best Period Costume Films
This is the second piece that I will write for the Glamalan contest hosted by Malan Breton. In this article, I will identify my choices as the top ten period recreation films that I have ever seen. This list is in no particular order as all of them are equally magnificent in their constructions of the couture and style of the eras they represent. I am very sorry to report that I have found no pictures to go with my review.
1.. Far From Heaven- I think this film is the best of recent times in terms of recreating a historical period. Sandy Powell’s designs for the gowns worn by Julianne Moore are modish and truly take the film back to the era of haute couture in the 1950s.
2. Anne Of A Thousand Days- Anne Of A Thousand Days is the most sensuous film done in the style of Renaissance period films. The costumes worn by Genevieve Bujold designed by Margaret Furse, are among some of the most captivating and imperious costumes to appear on screen. The entire film is the best recreation of the Tudor period in England ever brought to film, but the costumes, particularly those worn by Genevieve Bujold as Anne Boleyn, are stellar on their own as some of the most powerful fashion statements to make it to screen.
3. Desiree- As in Anne of A Thousand Days does with the Tudor Period in England, Desiree offers some magnificent displays of French couture in the Napoleonic era. Jean Simmons appears in some elegant outfits as Bernadine Eugenie Desiree Clary and creates some classic moments on film.
4. The Cotton Club- This film is a delicious throwback to the 1930s and they heyday of the Cotton Club and the Jazz era in New York. With fabulous recreations in terms of setting, the costumes worn by Lonette McKee and Diane Lane are incredible and truly display the posh style, grace, and elegance of the 1930s.
5. The Age of Innocence- This film, set during the Edwardian era in the United States, masterfully exudes the essence, style, and values of the gilded rich in the early 20th century. The costumes worn by Michelle Pfeiffer are spectacular representations of the era and quite possibly the best examples of period costume on film. Not only are the women’s costumes spectacular, particularly those worn by Pfeiffer and Wynona Ryder, but the men’s outfits are also stunning in their revival of the grace of men’s clothing during that period. Michelle Pfeiffer, Wynona Ryder, and Daniel Day-Lewis all cut striking figures in this film. This is perhaps the best period piece of the modern era
6. Chicago- This film, along with The Cotton Club, is one of the best representations of the 1930s Jazz Age ever to come to film. Some of the outfits worn by Catherine Zeta Jones, Renee Zellwegger, and Queen Latifah truly capture the essence of the period being depicted in the film.
7. Marie Antoinette – Mounds of praise must be given to Sophia Coppola for her intuitiveness and vision in making Marie Antoinette. The food, the sets, and the costumes worn by Kirsten Dunst are extraordinary in the ways in which they define the 18th Century aesthetic in the film. Melina Canonero truly deserved the Oscar that she won for Best Costume Design in this film.
8. My Fair Lady- Sir Cecil Beaton rightfully won his Oscar for his designs worn by Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady. The entire ensemble of costumes worn by Hepburn are splendid and delicious examples of 19th century haute couture. The entire film, in terms of set and costume designs, brilliantly portray the various pockets of 19th Century British society.
9. On a Clear Day You Can See Forever- the period scenes in this fabulous shtick comedy starring Barbra Streisand provide some of the best examples of period costuming. Again, Cecil Beaton offers spectacular recreations of 18th century high fashion, providing Barbra Streisand with some of her most exquisite scenes on the screen.
10. The Josephine Baker Story- The Josephine Baker Story is a wonderful tribute to one of the most dazzling, awe-inspiring, and sensational entertainers of all time. This film does an excellent job of recreating the panache and flair that was La Josephine. Lynn Whitfield masterfully recreates this character and provides some of the most memorable and exquisite images on screen.
1.. Far From Heaven- I think this film is the best of recent times in terms of recreating a historical period. Sandy Powell’s designs for the gowns worn by Julianne Moore are modish and truly take the film back to the era of haute couture in the 1950s.
2. Anne Of A Thousand Days- Anne Of A Thousand Days is the most sensuous film done in the style of Renaissance period films. The costumes worn by Genevieve Bujold designed by Margaret Furse, are among some of the most captivating and imperious costumes to appear on screen. The entire film is the best recreation of the Tudor period in England ever brought to film, but the costumes, particularly those worn by Genevieve Bujold as Anne Boleyn, are stellar on their own as some of the most powerful fashion statements to make it to screen.
3. Desiree- As in Anne of A Thousand Days does with the Tudor Period in England, Desiree offers some magnificent displays of French couture in the Napoleonic era. Jean Simmons appears in some elegant outfits as Bernadine Eugenie Desiree Clary and creates some classic moments on film.
4. The Cotton Club- This film is a delicious throwback to the 1930s and they heyday of the Cotton Club and the Jazz era in New York. With fabulous recreations in terms of setting, the costumes worn by Lonette McKee and Diane Lane are incredible and truly display the posh style, grace, and elegance of the 1930s.
5. The Age of Innocence- This film, set during the Edwardian era in the United States, masterfully exudes the essence, style, and values of the gilded rich in the early 20th century. The costumes worn by Michelle Pfeiffer are spectacular representations of the era and quite possibly the best examples of period costume on film. Not only are the women’s costumes spectacular, particularly those worn by Pfeiffer and Wynona Ryder, but the men’s outfits are also stunning in their revival of the grace of men’s clothing during that period. Michelle Pfeiffer, Wynona Ryder, and Daniel Day-Lewis all cut striking figures in this film. This is perhaps the best period piece of the modern era
6. Chicago- This film, along with The Cotton Club, is one of the best representations of the 1930s Jazz Age ever to come to film. Some of the outfits worn by Catherine Zeta Jones, Renee Zellwegger, and Queen Latifah truly capture the essence of the period being depicted in the film.
7. Marie Antoinette – Mounds of praise must be given to Sophia Coppola for her intuitiveness and vision in making Marie Antoinette. The food, the sets, and the costumes worn by Kirsten Dunst are extraordinary in the ways in which they define the 18th Century aesthetic in the film. Melina Canonero truly deserved the Oscar that she won for Best Costume Design in this film.
8. My Fair Lady- Sir Cecil Beaton rightfully won his Oscar for his designs worn by Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady. The entire ensemble of costumes worn by Hepburn are splendid and delicious examples of 19th century haute couture. The entire film, in terms of set and costume designs, brilliantly portray the various pockets of 19th Century British society.
9. On a Clear Day You Can See Forever- the period scenes in this fabulous shtick comedy starring Barbra Streisand provide some of the best examples of period costuming. Again, Cecil Beaton offers spectacular recreations of 18th century high fashion, providing Barbra Streisand with some of her most exquisite scenes on the screen.
10. The Josephine Baker Story- The Josephine Baker Story is a wonderful tribute to one of the most dazzling, awe-inspiring, and sensational entertainers of all time. This film does an excellent job of recreating the panache and flair that was La Josephine. Lynn Whitfield masterfully recreates this character and provides some of the most memorable and exquisite images on screen.
Mike Huckabee Cannot Be President
Check out Mike Huckabee's ties to the right-wing militia, the Minutemen. This group is a vigilante group of lynchmen that targets and harrasses people crossing the Mexican border. Not only should these people go to hell, but since Huckabee has accepted their endorsement, he should get nowhere near the presidency(and lets have no more white house-paint it red or yellow or black, but NOT white)!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Fashion Blogging/ Fashion Statement
I accepted the challenge given out by Malan Breton for his Glamalan blog to write two pieces concerning fashion and entertainment for a contest that he is having. The first post I shall do will concern the fashions of Barbra Streisand through the decades. Who could have guessed? Barbra has had a penchant for making fashion statements ever since her rise to fame in the early 60s. With her own sense of personal style, she constantly made the international best dressed lists in the mid and late sixties. She has even set her own trends. There was even, at one point, a Barbra Streisand Barbie Doll. We can begin this review of the Streisand style with a look at one of her earliest contributions to fashion, what some have called "the Streisand Look."
The Streisand Look Stemming from her days in Greenwich Village performing at supperclubs and other venues, this style is characterized by the intricate Egyptian eyes, darkly colored that accentuate her face. She made use of this technique in her first television special, My Name is Barbra,in Funny Girl, and other shows. During this early period in Greenwich Village, as Barbra was trying to become established as an actress, she defined herself by shopping at thrift shops and she was known for her eccentric tastes in clothing, makeup, and the material she used on stage. She won a talent contest at a gay nightclub, the Lion, wearing an eccentric configuration of orange and black makeup. An extension on this theme is the cover for her first venture onto the pop scene, the album What About Today?
This pose and this look are attributed to Barbra's appreciation of the 19th century French actress Sarah Bernhardt,who can be seen in a similar pose.
As a young starlet, Barbra was known for her expensive tastes in clothes, cars, and homes. her recognition as a woman of fashion was cemented as she posed for Cecil Beaton and modeled many of his elegant creations, particularly in the film On A Clear Day You Can See Forever
She drew criticism for an original outfit she wore to the 1968 Oscar ceremonies to accept her Oscar for Best Actress for Funny Girl.
The outfit, designed by Arnold Scaasi, was black and transparent and under the lights, it was see through. Despite all, the outfit became a classic and has been copied by many. Around this same time, Barbra introduced to the world a definitive hairstyle, known as the "Barbra Streisand look."
Millions ran out to the hair salons to copy this style.
In the early 70s,as Barbra revved up her career and was establishing herself as a force in the Rock and Roll genre,she adopted the California surfer girl look,
a fresh, youthful look defined by long,flowing blonde hair and relaxed, contemporary clothing.
By the mid-70s, Barbra had cut loose with a different style, characterized by her frizzy, red hair.
By the early 90's, her fourth decade in the business, Barbra had adopted the short, blonde look that has become her signature, worn on her 1992 tour as well as in The Prince of Tides.
On her record-setting, box office breaking 1992 concert tour, Barbra wore a dress that was copied and for a time became the hottest item sold in fashion boutiques around the world.
The hairstyle worn on this tour was also emulated by millions of women around the globe.
Over the years, Barbra has been noted for her personal sense of style and her exquisite tastes. She has set trends, made international best dressed lists, and been favored by critics and designers. She has modeled for Cecil Beaton and worn original designs by some of the world's top fashion moguls. Her style and her tastes will be scrutinized, analyzed, and copied for years to come.

As a young starlet, Barbra was known for her expensive tastes in clothes, cars, and homes. her recognition as a woman of fashion was cemented as she posed for Cecil Beaton and modeled many of his elegant creations, particularly in the film On A Clear Day You Can See Forever

She drew criticism for an original outfit she wore to the 1968 Oscar ceremonies to accept her Oscar for Best Actress for Funny Girl.

In the early 70s,as Barbra revved up her career and was establishing herself as a force in the Rock and Roll genre,she adopted the California surfer girl look,

By the mid-70s, Barbra had cut loose with a different style, characterized by her frizzy, red hair.

By the early 90's, her fourth decade in the business, Barbra had adopted the short, blonde look that has become her signature, worn on her 1992 tour as well as in The Prince of Tides.

On her record-setting, box office breaking 1992 concert tour, Barbra wore a dress that was copied and for a time became the hottest item sold in fashion boutiques around the world.

Over the years, Barbra has been noted for her personal sense of style and her exquisite tastes. She has set trends, made international best dressed lists, and been favored by critics and designers. She has modeled for Cecil Beaton and worn original designs by some of the world's top fashion moguls. Her style and her tastes will be scrutinized, analyzed, and copied for years to come.
U.S. Attorney Says CIA Torture Tapes Still Exist- From HungryBlues
US Attorney Says CIA Interrogation Tapes Still Exist
Breaking news on the ‘Skeeter Bites Report:
A letter by a Virginia-based U.S. attorney to a federal appeals court appears to contradict CIA Director Michael Hayden’s public statements on the destruction of hundreds of hours of video footage of “extreme” interrogations of suspected al-Qaida operatives by strongly indicating that at least two of the videos still exist, The ‘Skeeter Bites Report has learned.
Charles Rosenberg, the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, wrote that his office viewed two videotapes of CIA interrogations of al-Qaida suspects as recently as September 19 and October 18 of this year — contrary to Hayden’s statement that the tapes were destroyed in 2005.
Disclosure of the continued existence of these two videos is almost certain to intensify the controversy over the tapes that were destroyed — and accusations that the CIA is engaging in a cover-up of evidence that its operatives employed interrogation tactics outlawed as torture under both U.S. and international law.
Rosenberg’s five-page letter, addressed to Judge Karen Williams, chief judge of the U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia and to Judge Leonie Brinkema of the U.S. District Court in nearby Alexandria, was referring to the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui, the lone suspect convicted in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
Brinkema was the presiding judge in the Moussaoui trial. A copy of the letter, dated October 27, was obtained by The ‘Skeeter Bites Report.
Rosenberg wrote that his office was informed on September 13 by the CIA that the agency “obtained three recordings — two videotapes and one short audiotape — of interrogations” of suspected al-Qaida terrorists.
(More at the link.)
Breaking news on the ‘Skeeter Bites Report:
A letter by a Virginia-based U.S. attorney to a federal appeals court appears to contradict CIA Director Michael Hayden’s public statements on the destruction of hundreds of hours of video footage of “extreme” interrogations of suspected al-Qaida operatives by strongly indicating that at least two of the videos still exist, The ‘Skeeter Bites Report has learned.
Charles Rosenberg, the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, wrote that his office viewed two videotapes of CIA interrogations of al-Qaida suspects as recently as September 19 and October 18 of this year — contrary to Hayden’s statement that the tapes were destroyed in 2005.
Disclosure of the continued existence of these two videos is almost certain to intensify the controversy over the tapes that were destroyed — and accusations that the CIA is engaging in a cover-up of evidence that its operatives employed interrogation tactics outlawed as torture under both U.S. and international law.
Rosenberg’s five-page letter, addressed to Judge Karen Williams, chief judge of the U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia and to Judge Leonie Brinkema of the U.S. District Court in nearby Alexandria, was referring to the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui, the lone suspect convicted in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
Brinkema was the presiding judge in the Moussaoui trial. A copy of the letter, dated October 27, was obtained by The ‘Skeeter Bites Report.
Rosenberg wrote that his office was informed on September 13 by the CIA that the agency “obtained three recordings — two videotapes and one short audiotape — of interrogations” of suspected al-Qaida terrorists.
(More at the link.)
White House Approves Waterboarding-From Portside
Waterboarding 'greenlit at top levels of power'
by Suzanne Goldenberg in Washington
Guardian Unlimited (UK) - December 11, 2007
The White House today was directly accused of
authorising the waterboarding of al-Qaida suspects,
putting President George Bush at the centre of a
deepening controversy about the treatment of detainees.
The charge from John Kiriakou, a former CIA official
involved in the capture of senior al-Qaida operatives,
comes at a time when the Bush administration is trying
to contain a row over the destruction of hundreds of
hours of video footage of the interrogation of a high-
level al-Qaida suspect, Abu Zubaydah.
Kiriakou, who spent 14 years in the CIA, was directly
involved in the capture of Zubaydah, the first detainee
in the war on terror. He first met the detainee in a
Pakistani military hospital, where Zubaydah, was
recovering from gunshot wounds.
The suspect was later taken to a secret CIA prison for
interrogation and where he is believed to have been
subjected to waterboarding.
"This isn't something done willy nilly. This isn't
something where an agency officer just wakes up in the
morning and decides he's going to carry out an enhanced
technique on a prisoner" Kiriakou told NBC television
this morning.
"This was a policy made at the White House, with
concurrence from the National Security Council and
justice department."
The comments put President Bush at the centre of a row
that erupted last week after the CIA director, General
Michael Hayden, wrote a letter to employees revealing
that the agency had destroyed hundreds of hours of
videotape of the interrogation of Zubaydah.
Mr Bush told ABC television today he was unaware of the
tapes suspects.
"My first recollection of whether the tapes existed or
whether they were destroyed was when Michael Hayden
briefed me," Mr Bush told ABC.
"There's a preliminary inquiry going on and I think
you'll find that a lot more data, facts will be coming
The first phase of that process got underway today as
Hayden began two days of closed hearings before
Congress about the agency's decision to destroy the
The justice department and the CIA inspector generals'
office have also begun investigations into the
destruction of the footage, showing the interrogation
of Zubaydah and another al-Qaida operative. There is
also growing pressure for the appointment of a special
The destruction of the footage in 2005 has raised
questions about whether the CIA obstructed the work of
the commission investigating the 9/11 attacks which had
asked repeatedly for such documentation, and had been
told it did not exist.
Hayden also said Congress was informed of the
destruction. However, Silvestre Reyes, the chairman of
the Democratic intelligence committee, and Peter
Hoekstra, the senior Republican on the committee, said
that was not true.
Kiriakou did not say how he knew that the coercive
interrogations had been authorised. However, he said
that CIA agents were required to offer a "well thought
out reason" any time they wished to use waterboarding.
In the case of Zubaydah, he told ABC news yesterday
that the waterboarding had an immediate effect. The al-
Qaida detainee began talking within 35 seconds,
providing information that Kiriacou claims disrupted
dozens of planned attacks.
"It was like flipping a switch," the former CIA
official told ABC news. "He said that Allah had come to
him in his cell and told him to cooperate, because it
would make things easier for his brothers."
The White House has been adamant that certain "enhanced
interrogation" techniques deployed by the CIA - but
barred for use by the US military - do not amount to
"It's no secret that the president approved a lawful
programme in order to interrogate hardened terrorists,"
the White House spokeswoman, Dana Perino, said today.
"We do not torture. We also know that this programme
has saved lives by disrupting terrorist attacks."
The vice-president, Dick Cheney, has specifically
defended the practice of waterboarding, telling a radio
programme last year it was a "no-brainer" if it could
save lives.
Portside aims to provide material of interest
to people on the left that will help them to
interpret the world and to change it.
by Suzanne Goldenberg in Washington
Guardian Unlimited (UK) - December 11, 2007
The White House today was directly accused of
authorising the waterboarding of al-Qaida suspects,
putting President George Bush at the centre of a
deepening controversy about the treatment of detainees.
The charge from John Kiriakou, a former CIA official
involved in the capture of senior al-Qaida operatives,
comes at a time when the Bush administration is trying
to contain a row over the destruction of hundreds of
hours of video footage of the interrogation of a high-
level al-Qaida suspect, Abu Zubaydah.
Kiriakou, who spent 14 years in the CIA, was directly
involved in the capture of Zubaydah, the first detainee
in the war on terror. He first met the detainee in a
Pakistani military hospital, where Zubaydah, was
recovering from gunshot wounds.
The suspect was later taken to a secret CIA prison for
interrogation and where he is believed to have been
subjected to waterboarding.
"This isn't something done willy nilly. This isn't
something where an agency officer just wakes up in the
morning and decides he's going to carry out an enhanced
technique on a prisoner" Kiriakou told NBC television
this morning.
"This was a policy made at the White House, with
concurrence from the National Security Council and
justice department."
The comments put President Bush at the centre of a row
that erupted last week after the CIA director, General
Michael Hayden, wrote a letter to employees revealing
that the agency had destroyed hundreds of hours of
videotape of the interrogation of Zubaydah.
Mr Bush told ABC television today he was unaware of the
tapes suspects.
"My first recollection of whether the tapes existed or
whether they were destroyed was when Michael Hayden
briefed me," Mr Bush told ABC.
"There's a preliminary inquiry going on and I think
you'll find that a lot more data, facts will be coming
The first phase of that process got underway today as
Hayden began two days of closed hearings before
Congress about the agency's decision to destroy the
The justice department and the CIA inspector generals'
office have also begun investigations into the
destruction of the footage, showing the interrogation
of Zubaydah and another al-Qaida operative. There is
also growing pressure for the appointment of a special
The destruction of the footage in 2005 has raised
questions about whether the CIA obstructed the work of
the commission investigating the 9/11 attacks which had
asked repeatedly for such documentation, and had been
told it did not exist.
Hayden also said Congress was informed of the
destruction. However, Silvestre Reyes, the chairman of
the Democratic intelligence committee, and Peter
Hoekstra, the senior Republican on the committee, said
that was not true.
Kiriakou did not say how he knew that the coercive
interrogations had been authorised. However, he said
that CIA agents were required to offer a "well thought
out reason" any time they wished to use waterboarding.
In the case of Zubaydah, he told ABC news yesterday
that the waterboarding had an immediate effect. The al-
Qaida detainee began talking within 35 seconds,
providing information that Kiriacou claims disrupted
dozens of planned attacks.
"It was like flipping a switch," the former CIA
official told ABC news. "He said that Allah had come to
him in his cell and told him to cooperate, because it
would make things easier for his brothers."
The White House has been adamant that certain "enhanced
interrogation" techniques deployed by the CIA - but
barred for use by the US military - do not amount to
"It's no secret that the president approved a lawful
programme in order to interrogate hardened terrorists,"
the White House spokeswoman, Dana Perino, said today.
"We do not torture. We also know that this programme
has saved lives by disrupting terrorist attacks."
The vice-president, Dick Cheney, has specifically
defended the practice of waterboarding, telling a radio
programme last year it was a "no-brainer" if it could
save lives.
Portside aims to provide material of interest
to people on the left that will help them to
interpret the world and to change it.
We Don't Need Another Hero-Tina Turner
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Today's Oprah: Susan Still and Domestic Violence
1 in 4 women in the United States are victims of abuse. I wonder what the statistics are for the general population. I think one thing that people should take from this show is the connections between intimate and social violence and the connections between personal violence and violence of the state. Today's show showed an abusive man dominating and controlling his wife and children, typical of structural patriarchy and patriarchal family structures. One thing that people should also think about is the connections between patriarchal domination and control in households and patriarchal domination and control in the political sphere. I had this conversation once with a fellow graduate student, a student of sociology studying family structures, while having lunch at Panera one time. We were talking about patriarchy and I asked her if there were studies or if she had ever studied connections between patriarchal power in family structures and patriarchal power in social and political spheres. The violence of the mall shooter or the young man at Virginia Tech are connected, are indeed interconnected. I found it astounding that pundits marveled at the rise of violence in the United States recently and made no connections between that and the war in Iraq. I think people should look closley and scrutinize the structures of the societies in which they exist and the ways in which they operate. We must end patriarchy. BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY
Please Read This Article On the No Comment Blog Concerning the U.S. Government Sanctioning Torture
These new scandals and what is being uncovered about what goes on at Guantanamo Bay, put this country on par with Hitler's Germany.
There should be a massive concerted effort to stop Blackwater from building camps along the U.S.-Mexico border. Blackwater is headed towards becoming the U.S.'s SS.
Connections: Violent Radicalization and CIA Torture Scandal
I hope people are making the connections that Jane Harmon, who has sponsored the so-called Violent Radicalization Act in Congress is the same Jane Harmon who ok'd the use of torture by CIA agents.
Images of Germany During the Great Depression of the Weimar Republic
I haven't found the image that I want, that of the German baronesses pushing shopping carts filled with Deutschmarks down the street. However, what I have found are very effective images of how the German economy affected everyday people with the deflation of the Deutsch mark. These are two images of children playing with stacks of Deutschmarks that were worthless.

Monday, December 10, 2007
I am very pleased to see that some of the CIA's bullshit is being exposed, with their disposal of evidence of their crimes against humanity. Now we shall see if they will be held accountable for it.
As I was watching something this weekend, I began thinking. The United States, and the West for that matter, have been somewhat ashamed for the past sixty years because they had to occupy Germany as they have occupied other, nonthreatening, nations. Nations that they have occupied in the name of colonialism. Iraq comes to mind.
Friday, December 07, 2007
DiversityInc NooseWatch
Please check out this link to the noose map that has been put together by Diversityinc. They have tracked sixty one cases of nooses having been hung around the country since the Jena 6 incident.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Djinn Buckingham Need's Assistance
Please be alerted to the case of this 12 year old boy who confessed to a housefire under duress and is now being charged with criminal homocide and aggravated assault.
Mitt Romney
I only have two words to say about why Mitt Romney will never be president. Big Love.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
La Vie Boheme
From Rent
Cafe Owner:
No please no
Not tonight please no
Mister- Can't you go-
Not tonight- Can't have a scene
Cafe Owner:
Go, please go;
You- Hello sir
I said no
Improtant customer
What am I- Just a blur?
Cafe Owner:
You sit all night -You never buy!
That's a lie - That's a lie
I had a tea the other day
Cafe Owner:
You couldn't pay
Oh yeah
Benjamin Coffin III- Here?
Cafe Owner:
Oh no!
Wine and beer!
The enemy of Avenue A
We'll stay
Cafe Owner:
Oiy Vey!
What brings a Mogul in his own mind to the Life Cafe?
I would like to propose a toast
To Maureen's noble try
It went well
Go to hell
Was the yuppie scum stomped?
Not counting the homeless
How many tickets weren't comp'ed?
Why Did Muffy--
Miss The Show?
There was a death in the family
If you must know
Who died?
Our akita
Mimi- I'm surprised
A bright and charming girl like you
Hangs out with these slackers
(Who don't adhere to deals)
They make fun -Yet I am the one
Attempting to do some good
Or do you really want a neighborhood
Where people piss on your stoop every night?
Bohemia, Bohemia
Is a fallacy in your head
This is Calcutta
Bohemia is dead
Dearly beloved, we gather here to say
our goodbyes
Dies Irae - Dies Illa
Kyrie Eleison
Yitgadal V' Yitkadash (etc.)
Here she lies
No one knew her worth
The late great daughter of Mother Earth
On these nights when we celebrate the birth
In that little town of Bethlehem
We raise our glass- You bet your ass to-
La Vie Boheme
La Vie Boheme
La Vie Boheme
La Vie Boheme
La Vie Boheme
To days of inspiration,
Playing hookey, making something
Out of nothing, the need
To express-
To communicate,
To going against the grain,
Going insane,
Going mad
To loving tension, no pension
To more than one dimension,
To starving for attention,
Hating convention, hating pretension,
Not to mention of course,
Hating dear old mom and dad
To riding your bike
Midday past the three piece suits-
To fruits- To no absolutes-
To Absolut- To choice-
To the Village Voice-
To any passing fad
To being an us- For once-
Instead of a them-
La Vie Boheme
La Vie Boheme
Is the equipment in a pyramid?
It is, Maureen
The mixer dosn't have a case
Don't give me that face
Hey Mister- She's my sister
So that's five miso soup,
Four seaweed salad
Three soy burger dinner,
Two tofu dog platter
And one pasta with meatless balls
It tastes the same
If you close your eyes
And thirteen orders of fries
Is that it here?
Wine and beer!
To hand-crafted beers made in local breweries
To yoga, to yogurt, to rice and beans and cheese
To leather, to dildos, To curry Vindaloo
To Huevos Rancheros and Maya Angelou
Emotion, devotion, to causing a commotion,
Creation, Vacation
Mucho masturbation
Compassion, to fashion, to passion
When it's new
To Sontag
To Sondheim
To anything taboo
Ginsberg, Dylan, Cunningham and Cage
Lenny Bruce
Langston Hughes
To the stage!
To Uta
To Buddha
Pablo Neruda, too
Why Dorothy and Toto went over the rainbow
To blow off Auntie Em
La Vie Boheme
And wipe the speakers off before you pack
Yes, Maureen
Well- Hurry back
We're close
Bisexuals, trisexuals, Homo Sapiens,
Carcinogens, hallucinogens, men,
Pee Wee Herman
German wine, turpentine, Gertrude Stein
Antonioni, Bertolucci, Kurosawa
Carmina Burana
To apathy, to entropy, to empathy, ecstasy
Vaclav Havel- The Sex Pistols, 8BC
To no shame- Never playing the fame game
To marijuana
To sodomy
It's between God and me
To S & M
La Vie Boheme
In honor of the death of Bohemia an impromtu salon will commence immediately following dinner...
Mimi Marquez, clad only in bubble wrap, will perform her famous lawn chair-handcuff dance to the sounds of iced tea being
And Mark Cohen will preview his new documentary about his inability to hold an erection on high holy days.
And Maureen Johnson, back from her spectacular one-night engagement at the eleventh street lot, will sing Native American
tribal chants backwards through her vocoder, while accompanying herself on the electric cello- Which she has never never
Your new boyfriend doesn't know about us?
There's nothing to know-
Don't you think that we should discuss-
It was three months ago-
He dosn't act like he's with you-
We're taking it slow-
Where is he now?
He's right- Hmm
Uh huh
Where'd he go?
And Roger will attempt to write a bittersweet, evocative song
(Roger picks up a guiter and plays)
That doesn't remind us of 'Musetta's
Angel Dumott Schunard will model the latest fall fashions from Paris while accompanying herself on the 10-gallon plastic
pickle tub.
And Collins will recount his exploits
as an Anarchist- Including the tale of
his successful reprogramming of the
MIT virtual reality equipment to self-destruct as it broadcasts the words:
'Actual Reality - Act Up - Fight AIDS!'
Excuse me- Did I do something wrong?
I get invited, then Ignored all night long
I've been trying- I'm not lying-
No one's perfect, I've got baggage
Life's too short, Babe, time is flying
I'm looking for baggage that goes
with mine
I should tell you-
I've got baggage, too
I should tell you--
Baggage- Wine-
And Beer!
(beeper alarms go off)
AZT break
Me. You?
Cafe Owner:
No please no
Not tonight please no
Mister- Can't you go-
Not tonight- Can't have a scene
Cafe Owner:
Go, please go;
You- Hello sir
I said no
Improtant customer
What am I- Just a blur?
Cafe Owner:
You sit all night -You never buy!
That's a lie - That's a lie
I had a tea the other day
Cafe Owner:
You couldn't pay
Oh yeah
Benjamin Coffin III- Here?
Cafe Owner:
Oh no!
Wine and beer!
The enemy of Avenue A
We'll stay
Cafe Owner:
Oiy Vey!
What brings a Mogul in his own mind to the Life Cafe?
I would like to propose a toast
To Maureen's noble try
It went well
Go to hell
Was the yuppie scum stomped?
Not counting the homeless
How many tickets weren't comp'ed?
Why Did Muffy--
Miss The Show?
There was a death in the family
If you must know
Who died?
Our akita
Mimi- I'm surprised
A bright and charming girl like you
Hangs out with these slackers
(Who don't adhere to deals)
They make fun -Yet I am the one
Attempting to do some good
Or do you really want a neighborhood
Where people piss on your stoop every night?
Bohemia, Bohemia
Is a fallacy in your head
This is Calcutta
Bohemia is dead
Dearly beloved, we gather here to say
our goodbyes
Dies Irae - Dies Illa
Kyrie Eleison
Yitgadal V' Yitkadash (etc.)
Here she lies
No one knew her worth
The late great daughter of Mother Earth
On these nights when we celebrate the birth
In that little town of Bethlehem
We raise our glass- You bet your ass to-
La Vie Boheme
La Vie Boheme
La Vie Boheme
La Vie Boheme
La Vie Boheme
To days of inspiration,
Playing hookey, making something
Out of nothing, the need
To express-
To communicate,
To going against the grain,
Going insane,
Going mad
To loving tension, no pension
To more than one dimension,
To starving for attention,
Hating convention, hating pretension,
Not to mention of course,
Hating dear old mom and dad
To riding your bike
Midday past the three piece suits-
To fruits- To no absolutes-
To Absolut- To choice-
To the Village Voice-
To any passing fad
To being an us- For once-
Instead of a them-
La Vie Boheme
La Vie Boheme
Is the equipment in a pyramid?
It is, Maureen
The mixer dosn't have a case
Don't give me that face
Hey Mister- She's my sister
So that's five miso soup,
Four seaweed salad
Three soy burger dinner,
Two tofu dog platter
And one pasta with meatless balls
It tastes the same
If you close your eyes
And thirteen orders of fries
Is that it here?
Wine and beer!
To hand-crafted beers made in local breweries
To yoga, to yogurt, to rice and beans and cheese
To leather, to dildos, To curry Vindaloo
To Huevos Rancheros and Maya Angelou
Emotion, devotion, to causing a commotion,
Creation, Vacation
Mucho masturbation
Compassion, to fashion, to passion
When it's new
To Sontag
To Sondheim
To anything taboo
Ginsberg, Dylan, Cunningham and Cage
Lenny Bruce
Langston Hughes
To the stage!
To Uta
To Buddha
Pablo Neruda, too
Why Dorothy and Toto went over the rainbow
To blow off Auntie Em
La Vie Boheme
And wipe the speakers off before you pack
Yes, Maureen
Well- Hurry back
We're close
Bisexuals, trisexuals, Homo Sapiens,
Carcinogens, hallucinogens, men,
Pee Wee Herman
German wine, turpentine, Gertrude Stein
Antonioni, Bertolucci, Kurosawa
Carmina Burana
To apathy, to entropy, to empathy, ecstasy
Vaclav Havel- The Sex Pistols, 8BC
To no shame- Never playing the fame game
To marijuana
To sodomy
It's between God and me
To S & M
La Vie Boheme
In honor of the death of Bohemia an impromtu salon will commence immediately following dinner...
Mimi Marquez, clad only in bubble wrap, will perform her famous lawn chair-handcuff dance to the sounds of iced tea being
And Mark Cohen will preview his new documentary about his inability to hold an erection on high holy days.
And Maureen Johnson, back from her spectacular one-night engagement at the eleventh street lot, will sing Native American
tribal chants backwards through her vocoder, while accompanying herself on the electric cello- Which she has never never
Your new boyfriend doesn't know about us?
There's nothing to know-
Don't you think that we should discuss-
It was three months ago-
He dosn't act like he's with you-
We're taking it slow-
Where is he now?
He's right- Hmm
Uh huh
Where'd he go?
And Roger will attempt to write a bittersweet, evocative song
(Roger picks up a guiter and plays)
That doesn't remind us of 'Musetta's
Angel Dumott Schunard will model the latest fall fashions from Paris while accompanying herself on the 10-gallon plastic
pickle tub.
And Collins will recount his exploits
as an Anarchist- Including the tale of
his successful reprogramming of the
MIT virtual reality equipment to self-destruct as it broadcasts the words:
'Actual Reality - Act Up - Fight AIDS!'
Excuse me- Did I do something wrong?
I get invited, then Ignored all night long
I've been trying- I'm not lying-
No one's perfect, I've got baggage
Life's too short, Babe, time is flying
I'm looking for baggage that goes
with mine
I should tell you-
I've got baggage, too
I should tell you--
Baggage- Wine-
And Beer!
(beeper alarms go off)
AZT break
Me. You?
Patsy Cline
Crazy for feeling so lonely
Im crazy
Crazy for feeling so blue
I knew
Youd love me as long as you wanted
And then someday
Youd leave me for somebody new
Why do I let myself worry
What in the world did I do
For thinking that my love could hold you
Im crazy for tryin
Crazy for cryin
And Im crazy
For lovin you
Crazy for feeling so lonely
Im crazy
Crazy for feeling so blue
I knew
Youd love me as long as you wanted
And then someday
Youd leave me for somebody new
Why do I let myself worry
What in the world did I do
For thinking that my love could hold you
Im crazy for tryin
Crazy for cryin
And Im crazy
For lovin you
The Bush Agenda Against Iran
A Play
Characters-- George Bush as Henry VIII, Iran as Scotland.
That is the scenario we are seeing. And what I believe is that John Bolton should loose his penis and NBC news should stop being Georbe Bush's bitch and providing him with a bully pulpit. No more wicked white male trash. And Take condoleeza with you too.
Characters-- George Bush as Henry VIII, Iran as Scotland.
That is the scenario we are seeing. And what I believe is that John Bolton should loose his penis and NBC news should stop being Georbe Bush's bitch and providing him with a bully pulpit. No more wicked white male trash. And Take condoleeza with you too.
A Change in Positions
I am now for gay marriage. I think it can be quite a revolutionary and radical thing. It may be the key to ending patriarchy...instead of promoting it as I thought it might.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Bush should be castrated. Oh what evidence there is for no war with Iran!
Monday, December 03, 2007
Today on The Today Show Natalie Moralez called Hugo Chavez a dictator. Castrate the penis!
Sunday, December 02, 2007
New Developments into Neshoba, MS Murders
Hungry Blues is reporting that there is the possibilty of new convictions in the murders of James Cheney, Michael Schwerner, and Andrew Goodman, the three men who were killed in Mississippi in 1964.
Venezuela's Referendums
America's mafia organization, the CIA is trying to operate in Venezuela to try and oust Chavez. May they learn that their penises are flesh and blood! God bless the Bolivaran Revolution!
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