Rising to prominence as a leader of the Sandinista Movement in the 1970s and 1980s, Daniel Ortega has long been a champion of the people of Nicauragua. In his second term as president, which began in 2006, Ortega has worked closely with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran in promoting the interests of their two countries. Of this alliance, Ortega has said,"the revolutions of Iran and Nicaragua are almost twin revolutions...since both revolutions are about justice, liberty, self-determination, and the struggle against imperialism."
Hugo Chavez is the most wonderful leader of Venezuela. Elected president in 1998, Chavez has been the primary architect of the Bolivarian Movement. As president, he has renounced Venezuela's ties to the IMF, formed close alliances with Cuba, Ecuador, Iran, and other developing nations around the globe, and has been a champion of humanity and human values. He has been one of the strongest opponents of U.S. imperialism while at the same time offering Venezuelan resources to the United States' poor. In September of 2006, before the U.N., Chavez referred to George W. Bush as the devil. Bravo for that one! Hugo Chavez is an important force in progressive politics and is an exemplary world leader.
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