Saturday, December 31, 2005


Reading and Tolerance are keys to a full life.- Chella

Really Feeling It Now

I am 25 years old and still searching. I used to think that it was awful that I was 20 and was not established--for I wanted trailblaze the path of Barbra Streisand-- she had her first Broadway show at 19--I wanted to have a novel published at 19. Now I am 25. I see things a bit differently, but I am still anxious.

Something Interesting

I by chance spoke to Charles over this holiday season. I absolutely feel for him as I know he is struggling. How was I, oh lord, the one picked to be the subversive force(although I don't mind it one bit;-))? However it is quite a tumultuous thing being involved with men who either have never questioned their sexuality before or who are tenuously trying to walk along the lines of American acceptibility(such bullshit, castrate it all).
I so love the Tyra Banks Show.
Carl Rising Moore came to speak in West Lafayette not so long ago concerning his time spent with Cindy Sheehan at Camp Casey, one of the things that he told us is Daniel Ellsberg is to have told him, among others, that the current political situation that we have right now in the U.S. absolutely reminded him of the rise of Fascism in Germany and he said that the next step would probably be that the Bush Administration(Right Wing Agenda)would move to make their power permanent

Friday, December 30, 2005

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

I just took the time to seriously look at the War Resister's League's 2005 Peace Calendar. It is absolutely great.


Cheers to Elton John and David Furnish on their marriage!