Saturday, July 22, 2006

I attended two funerals today. Both werequite profound. My cousin Wynette was a beautiful soul. I remember long nights as a young boy sitting in her salon while my mother,grandmother, and sister got their hair done. Wy was a classy woman. Always on top of things. She was also very accomplished. She taught at the technical college and was quite well -regarded. She suffered horribly and died much too soon. She suffered horribly with cancer and died much too soon. She was only 67 years old. God rest her soul. The other one was my cousin Emma, who used to keep me sometimes after school when I first moved down South. Beautiful spirit and always doted on me. They will rest well.

Friday, July 21, 2006

I have much respect for Prince Hall.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

From Cynthia McKinney

By now you've heard the news that I am in a runoff election. For
those of you who have seen the film American Blackout, you know that
in 2002, crossover voting was used successfully by Republicans to
oust me from Congress. I have received anecdotal information today
that crossover voting by Republicans occurred in my Primary Election
yesterday. That is, that Republicans want to dictate to loyal
Democrats who their representative can or must not be. We are
analyzing the returns now--such that we can--with Diebold's
electronic voting machines, to see if our anecdotal information is
reflected in the numbers.

Additionally, turnout around the state was extremely low. We are
also analyzing the turnout numbers for our district to see what they
reveal. Of course, when that analysis is completed, I'll be sending
that to you.

You probably are aware of the other issues that arose for voters
during the voting day. Such as showing up to vote and finding closed
precincts that had been moved to different locations, malfunctioning
electronic voting machines, election officials undertrained on the
new Diebold electronic pollbook, and not to mention a Tom DeLay-
inspired mid-decennial redistricting.

Right now, I need your help for an August 8 runoff election.

This begins a new election cycle and therefore donation limits are
$2100 per individual and $4200 per couple. However, if you have
already given as much as you can give, please pass this on to your
family and friends and ask them to help. Every contribution is
needed. I thank you for your help.

If you have not yet given, please help us make a difference before
election day on Tuesday, August 8th.

It's hot in Georgia and we need to feed, ice, water, t-shirt,
pamphlet, gas up, and otherwise encourage our volunteers. Ours has
been a volunteer effort, including the website that will process your

Please send what you can by mail to:

Cynthia for Congress
PO Box 371125
Decatur, GA 30037

or contribute online at

Thank you!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The entire fiasco of getting American refugees out of Lebanon is utterly revolting. Bush is going to hell anyway.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Morgan Goodson's father was named Philip(Phil) Goodson. Some say he was a mulatto. His mother was a Native American named Pee Y(Im spelling it phonetically because I dont know how else to do it). He had four brothers: Henry(who was sold to Oklahoma),Perry,George,and Charlie. Philip and Pee Y had one girl named Rhodie. Philip Goodson also had an outside child with Caroline Roper. Her name was Mary Odom.

Urgent Plea from Sonia Sanchez


I need your support. 11 mothers/grandmothers (including myself) were
arrested last week after staging a sit-in at a local recruitment office.
We went to enlist--thinking if they sent us, we could talk to Iranian
mothers/grandmothers about ending this war we're in. We were released
that same night but were informed that we would go to trial on December
1, 2006 at 8:30am. The trial is to be held at the Community Courthouse
in Philadelphia. I'm asking that you all come out to support us on that

In love/struggle,

Sonia Sanchez
I can't believe the NAACP is going to allow George Bush to deliver an address to them. That man needs to be castrated and we need to get rid of the leadership of the NAACP! Where is Merlie Evers?!
Bush should go to hell. Someone needs to teach Israel a few lessons. Chief among them humility. I hope they dont get anything out of this current war.

Monday, July 17, 2006

God bless Kofi Annan.

Making Connections

I am most assured that there are connections between the entire Texas redistricting scandal(including the wonderful walkout by the Democrats) and the Republican effort to try and kill the Voting Rights Act. Evil people will go to hell.