This is the first attempt at blogging by Julius Gray. The purpose of this blog is to allow me a forum in which I can voice and publish my opinions about the world, life in general, and whatever cultural, historical, or political topics that I may wish to comment on. I will start now by introducing myself. I am a 22-year-old writer, historian, recent college graduate possessing of a great intellectual curiosity, a deep penchant and understanding of the political. I am ideologically a socialist, a student of W.E.B. DuBois, and I thrive on creativity and imagination. I am currently awaiting replies from graduate schools, hoping to enter a graduate program in Ethnic studies (or Comparative Lit) within the next few months. I am a devoted Barbra Streisand fan, and hold among the people I admire and wish to emulate such figures as Angela Davis, Jane Fonda, Cornel West, Howard Zinn, Alice Walker, among others. As I add to this page, I hope that the commentary and the insights that I bring to light will be inspiring and will spark conversation and thought.