Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Something has been messing up with my blog the past few days so I haven't been posting. However, I wanted to post about something that I thought about today. I had a discussion with someone concerning the nature of patriarchy---and especially as concerns race--with the effort to keep the "legitimate" children from the "illegitimate" ones. Well, I thought about my family and came to the realization that my family--as indeed I think many Black families are-- is wholly unpatriarchal. Our family has always encouraged and taught, especially my great grandmother and father, that it didnt matter illegitimate or legitimate, half or whole, blood was blood and relations were relations, and all people--even without blood, were welcomed into the family and treated as kin. I think this says something about the nature of the game as far as patriarchy and those that exist outside of that paradigm and operate in a more humane and community-oriented way. I think there should be more critical study and scrutiny of patriarchy and the ways that it plays to and informs society. I think especially warranting is taking a look at Betty Reardon's Anti-Patriarchy project.

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