Saturday, September 17, 2005

This evening, right before I left home, I heard some of the scariest shit imaginable---and it has been heard before. The Bush administration has serious proposals out to A: Allow the EPA to completely waive rules for the protection of the environment in cases deemed "Acts of Gods" or dire emergencies by the Bush administration. According to the news report, this has already resulted in the selling of a dirtier grade of fuel because of the shortage due to the disruption of the flow from the Gulf. Also, the Bush administration and the conservative right wing agenda, under the leadership of Senator John Warner of Virginia, have set out a new proposal--an earlier one surfaced right after September 11th-- to allow the dissestablishment of
Posse Commitatus, which provides that military forces cannot be housed, or used as a police force against the civilian population of the United States. Both of these are very dangerous proposals set out by the Bush adminstration and just clearly show how unscrupulous and filthy these people reall are.

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