Sunday, December 18, 2005

I just wanted to comment on something, and I am going to put it in bold because I think it needs to be heeded and listened to.

It has been four months since New Orleans was destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. How can they take away the aide to these people? There lives were completely destroyed in this hurricane--largely due to the horrendous unhumanity of capitalism and its lack of concern for human well-being and now they expect them, after FOUR MONTHS to have pieced their lives back together and become self-sufficient. I find it horrendous and I think this government ought to be castigated for it. Capitalism is wicked and horrible, and to expect these people to fend for themselves four months after having their lives torn apart is inexcusable, inhumane, and totally ought to be taken out of the realm of posibility. This is a blatant example of the inhumanity of capitalism--their message to these people that their time is up, that they will only provided the equivalent of a "sick leave" from this government in order to get their lives back in order....always, everything in capitalistic terms. I think there has to be some drastic measures taken to return this government to its intent and purpose of being FOR the people and BY the people.

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