Sunday, May 21, 2006

Fourth Radical Congress is Up!

The much awaited Fourth Radical Progressive Carnival is up! What we have this time are two submissions. Firstly, Francois Tremblay of The Radical Libertarian offers a very sharp Marxian analysis of U.S. Drug policies in The Drug War and Market Anarchy. David Gross over at The Picket Line issues a great call, in response to the Declaration of Peace Campaign, for all of those who call for the use of nonviolence to restructure that message to call people to use direct and proactive nonviolent methods as means of confronting power.This is a powerful essay that Gross writes. I hope that people will continue to contribute to this carnival and make it a great success. We already have plenty of interesting things that have been posted.


Francois Tremblay said...

What exactly is "Marxian" about my analysis, buddy?

Brandon said...

Haha! Very class based looks very Marxist to me (Marxian is also acceptable I believe).

Francois Tremblay said...

Yeesh. You're not making any friends with that. Didn't you notice my blog is called "Radical Libertarian" ?

Brandon said...

I don't think that it is a bad thing to be called Marxist....alas, labels are not that important are they? It has elements of Marxism(although, you may not have wanted it to be)....oh well.