Sunday, October 08, 2006

Yesterday/last night/this morning was an interesting series of events. As the school is on break, I decided to make a day trip to Indianapolis, which I did. It was quite enjoyable. C and I joined up with my friend Rolanda and saw the step show at the Convention Center. Before hand, we had dinner at a nice restaurant. Indy was quite lovely yssterday and I would have been quite content to sit in the park or on Monument Circle and read and take in the day...but it was definitely nice just the same. So that night after the step show, C and I left the convention center and headed back towards her car which was over in the park on the other side of the monument. It was 11 at night and there were throngs of BLack people out and about as the Circle City Classics had just ended and the step show had just let out. As we reached the corner a couple of streets up from the Convention Center, we saw a police officer holding this little black boy, who was no more than ten years old, very agressively in handcuffs. What an image. As a mixed blessing, the local television news had their cameras on and were recording the whole least its documented. It would have been better if the Black Panthers had been there....God where are the people we need now. Huey? Rap? Someone needs to heed the call and pick back up the banner....We definitely need radical progressive change and movement in this society. So, witnessing this incident sparked a conversation between Candace and I about what that image symbolized--that young Black boy in handcuffs in front of the camera....the message it was supposed to send out to the Black community, the ramifications of it, and the horridness of it. Candace became very angry and stopped and confronted some police officers about the way they handled Black youth their in the city.I was quite in awe of her and the courage and dignity that she possessed in that moment. I definitely did not do it.THat sat on our minds for the rest of the night...and still sits on our minds I am quite sure(at least it does on mine). Well, that was not the end of the night. So we jetset back to Lafayette and make it there by one at which point she wants to go to Hookah. Im already cold and a little tired but I sum it all was a very enjoyable night indeed....but I am still sleepy and I didnt make it home til 6 a.m. I still havent slept. Alas, lots to mull over. Lots to reflect on. I will make another post about that young boy and the power structure that we live in.

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