Sunday, November 12, 2006

Black Organized Religion

This weekend I witnessed somewhat of a Black religious event/revival. There are some things that I definitely want to comment upon about Black organized religion. Black people's god, for a large part, and not for all for there are strains of progressivism within the Black church, but mainstream Black religion deifies white men and the great white father. Lets take some of the songs and just substitute. Or rather some phrases and I'll make up some as I go along, because I dont actually know any(of the gospel really, I know lots of spirituals).

(The White Father)He's a great god
(The White Father)God is good to me

I definitely do not intend and will never downplay anyone's religion. The sincerest expressions of religion are wonderful. I appreciate and connect with people's connections with god. Until the Black community shuns its apoltical stance and its passivity as a response to white supremacy, and especially the evils of imperialism that affect the entire world, Black religion will ring a false note.


Anonymous said...

Brandon- humh, well put... you have expressed a concept that occurred to me years ago but I did not have the words to communicate. Marley said it best"Preacher man don't tell me, heaven is under the earth...I know you don't know, what life is really worth" I think that sometimes black organized religion dictates suffering and subserviance in exchange for a promise in the beyond. I think people can serve G*d and still be proactive and not be victims of passivity.~Candice

Anonymous said...

The absurdity of your post is that in all likelihood God does not even exist. That is to say, no-one has ever been able to prove the existence of God. All that a Christian God (as opposed to all the other Gods including Thor, Wotan, Zeus, Zoroaster, The Flying Spaghetti Monstor etc) is thought to be is derived from a bunch of Bronze Age texts which because of their questionable authenticity and supremely fallible, misogynistic translations are so flawed and lacking integrity as to be worthless. When you come to consider how creaky this is as the entire basis for belief in the existence of a God, his imaginary racial origin is tantamount to wondering what ethnic group Extra Terrestrials might turn out to belong to – should they ever choose to reveal themselves.

Christian Theologians would have us believe that their God exists outside of nature, outside of physics and therefore “beyond all understanding”. To that end She probably does not even have a physical form and so no “color” or gender.

Brandon, there are more worthy topics to which you should apply your undoubted intellect.