Monday, December 04, 2006



I want to learn what life is for
I don't want much, I just want more
Ask what I want and I will sing
I want everything, everything.

I'd cure the cold and the traffic jam
If there were floods I'd give a damn
I'd never sleep, I'd only sing
Let me do everything, everything.

I'd like to plan a city
And play the cello
Play at Monte Carlo
Play Othello
Move into the White House
Paint it Yellow
Speak Portuguese and Dutch and if its not to much
I'd like to have the perfect twin, one who'd go out
as I came in. I've got to grab
the big brass ring
So I'll have everything, everything.

I'm like a child who's set free
at the funfair
every ride invites me
and it's unfair
saying that I only
get my one share
doesn't seem just
I could live as I must
if they'd give me the time
to turn the tide
Give me the truth
if once I lied
Give me the man
that's gonna bring
more of everything
more of everything
Then I'll have everything
then Ill have everything
everything whoaaaaaaaaaaa

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