Tuesday, February 06, 2007

From HungryBlues

Ask Barney Frank to Let New Orleans Public Housing Residents Speak THIS TUESDAY (2/6)
Without any input from New Orleans public housing residents, the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has approved plans to demolish thousands of livable public housing apartments in New Orleans.
MA Residents Can Help Make New Orleans Public Housing Residents Heard
Please call Representative Barney Frank today and ask him to guarantee two slots for New Orleans public housing residents to speak at this Tuesday’s (Feb. 6) meeting of the House Committee on Financial Services. Representative Frank is Chair of the Financial Services Committee, which has oversight of HUD.
Call Barney Frank now at 202-225-5931 (DC office) or 617-332-3920 (District Office, Newton).
(Make sure you let Frank’s staff know if you are his constituents from the 4th Congressional District of MA. In Metro Boston that includes Brookline and Newton.)
On Sunday morning, February 4, fifty New Orleans public housing residents boarded a bus to Washington, DC, where they will tell their stories, meet with legislators and publicly advocate for the right of public housing residents to return to New Orleans.
The residents have taken time off from work, made arrangements for childcare and have made other sacrifices in hopes that they will be allowed to speak about their desire and their right to return to their homes. Please take a few minutes out of your day to call Representative Frank and let him know you want the New Orleans public housing residents to speak at the House Financial Services Committee meeting this Tuesday, February 6.
For more information, visit the Gulf Coast Fair Housing Network:
Fact Sheet: http://fairhousingnetwork.org/node/30
Condition of the Projects (includes photos): http://fairhousingnetwork.org/node/10
4th Congressional District: http:// fairhousingnetwork.org/node/8

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