Thursday, August 09, 2007


Poem That I Wrote and Just Found in A Piano Book

American Values appear on the radar; a litmus test should be given to every fool who finds value in those...
Smiles decieve and the lies that told you of integrity, hardwork, and a corner of the market on ethics.

The Sky sluggish, brown-water swamp of ethics, integrity, and lies the thin veneer that shell the hardcore whiteness of a face; be not decieved, America is not your friend. While it plays the game of high ethics and morality and waves the multi-colored flag in front of your face to prove it-it has no adverse dispositions to your color; black is nowhere to be found. The white house and the white children all play to achieve the day when your black ass will be invisible; no longer reminding them of the sins of their forefathers who just happen to be your forefathers too.
So they ride around on a horse and tower six legs above the earth instead of two; Iraq is not the first time the cowboy lost his Indian. Diversity and equality spread feathers like a peacock revealing all its secrets of malice and sin. Keep it white and keep it right, everything else is simply something to get in the way. The game is power on the home court and the bully is looking to capture territory while our freedoms are apparently free-lockstep seems to be the way to be patriarchal fervor, hard-hitting and unashamed.

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