Thursday, September 13, 2007

Mary Winkler

The case of Mary Winkler is a sad tale and makes for the perfect example of how patriarchy works and the misogyny and loppressive codes concerning women that exist within patriarchal society. Suffering years of abuse in a bad marriage, this woman snapped and killed her husband, freeing herself. Now, as she fights to regain custody of her children--a man on the Today Show this morning touted the line of the hard-core patriarchal stance very well "she was mentally ill-and it might have been a bad marriage--BUT SHE KILLED THERE FATHER!" as if having a penis made him special. I have the utmost sympathy for this woman and I hope she gets her children back. The rhetoric that I hear from stupid pundits and the news media is a direct shot back to the neuroasthenia bullshit of the 19th Century.

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