Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Wonderful Way It Works

S,o I am researching Mary Foster McDavid for an article I am writing and it has been a hellacious time trying to do so. Alas, I have called all over the country trying to find records of her--the National PTA-which had some record of her, the SEF, and Atlanta, Georgia. However, the biggest gold came today as I churned my brain for ways to find information on this woman who was married to my uncle and died so very long ago. So, I thought to call a very established person in the Montgomery community-indeed an institution in the community--and ask for his help. It was a great help indeed. His wife put me in touch with the man who had been principal of the Mary Foster McDavid Elementary School. Well, this man is indeed a blessing. Not only did he know who I was talking about, but he was a great friend to Fess McDavid and knew both Fess and M.F. McDavid(who my people called Dear) quite well. A well of information and a promise of more to come.

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