Friday, August 05, 2005

Cornel is absolutely wonderful! I am so glad I am not the only one to take note of the fact that Japan was the first colored/non-western nation to defeat a white/western power-- in 1905. Alas, I also want to highlight some other things. Cornel states that "The ambiguous legacies of the European Age, American preeminence and decolonization continue to haunt our postmodern moment as we come to terms with both European, American, Japanese, Soviet and Third World crimes against humanity and contributions to humanity." God exactly-- the dilemna of how to acknowledge the contribution while at the same time condeming the evil. I have decided that it is worthwhile to condemn the evil. Alas, it is totally possible to destroy the infrastructure of this system/society and start anew with something much better and much more humane.

The second thing that I want to draw attention to is his statement that "The black diasporan condition of New World servitude- in which blacks were viewed as mere commodities with production value, who had no proper legal status, social standing or public worth-- can be characterized as, following Orlando Patterson, natal alienation. This state of perpetual and inheritable domination that diasporan Africans had at birth produced the modern black diasporan problematic of invisibility and namelessness. White supremacist practices.... promoted black inferiority and constituted the European background against which black diasporan struggles for identity, dignity( self-confidence, self-respect,self-esteem) and material resources took place." I am definitely going to use this in my project on the Afro-American as the bastard.

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