Saturday, October 01, 2005

I believe I should clarify whiteness a bit, as I have talked about it some, but I have never really talked about whiteness. Whiteness is a construct--built as the dominant side of the Black/White dichotomy. It is a false construct based upon the antiquated idea of Anglo-Saxon preeminence(how many so-called white people fit into THAT). Furhtermore, even for those who know that whiteness is Nothing more than a falsity--whiteness--in very real terms means power and privilege. Not only power and privilege, but the Black White dichotomy also define legitimacy and illegitimacy, especially as it pertains to the particular patriarchal structure that we exist within here in the United States and throughout the post-Columbian western world. Both of these need to be deconstructed. And these ideas of power and privilege need to done away with-- and as Malcolm said, by Any Means Necessary. Alas, I believe that liberation will free everyone, but privilege is something hard to let go of--sometimes it has to be taken.

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