Friday, September 30, 2005

Someone should castrate Reagan administration Secretary of Education, Bill Bennet for putting out the call to "abort every Black fetus in this country." Someone should simply take his dick as sacrifice for his sins. The question is though, with these kinds of "thoughts" floating around in his head, I wonder what kind of impact he had on poor and minority communities when he was overseeing the department of Education during the 1980s? White men should definitely not be allowed to have penises.


Anonymous said...

"White men should definitely not be allowed to have penises."

Sometimes, my dear, you just let yourself down with such absurd statements.

Ok, so I agree that Bill Bennet is a bigoted ignoramus, but there is no need for you to sink to his level.

Our struggle is hard enough, and such sweeping generalizations serve only to undermine our credibility.

Brandon said...

Well, definitely I only mean it in the figurative sense....I sleep with far too many white men to not want them to literally not have penises. Although, if it made my life much easier....

Brandon said...

Also, I don't believe in credibility.