Sunday, October 23, 2005

Why aren't there more Cornel Wests? Where are the Kimberley Williams-Crenshaws, the Barbra Streisands, the bell hooks? The Alice Walkers? I need these people.


XYBØRG said...

And here's me thinking ONE Cornel West was more than I could take...

Brandon said...

I think one Cornel is all we need. He is wonderful in and of himself. Do you have a problem with Cornel?

XYBØRG said...

Like so many of our self-anointed (as I refer to them - Dyson, hooks, Gates et al) his intellectual production has been of negligible value. It is analytical & descriptive but not particularly transformative i.e. he DECONSTRUCTS and DESCRIBES stuff but doesn't particularly CHANGE stuff, if you get my drift...

Malcolm X was a CHANGER of stuff...

Brandon said...

I would like for you to explain to me how Cornel and hooks especially are negligible;-)