Monday, February 27, 2006

A Lesson in Songs

The two songs that I want to post today havebeen very influential in my life. I heard both of these starting at a very early age and they have instilled something in me that has has been with me throughout my entire life. "Lift Every Voice and Sing," is a song that we used to sing in church when I was a little boy, and not just during Black History Month. It was sung as benediction, and even as a young boy, the words to this song were a refrain that caused me to pay attention. I feel that all Black people should know this song.Indeed, both of these songs.

Lift every voice and sing, till earth and Heaven ring,
Ring with the harmonies of liberty;
Let our rejoicing rise, high as the listening skies,
Let it resound loud as the rolling sea.
Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us,
Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us;
Facing the rising sun of our new day begun,
Let us march on till victory is won.

Stony the road we trod, bitter the chastening rod,
Felt in the days when hope unborn had died;
Yet with a steady beat, have not our weary feet,
Come to the place for which our fathers sighed?
We have come over a way that with tears has been watered,
We have come, treading our path through the blood of the slaughtered;
Out from the gloomy past, till now we stand at last
Where the white gleam of our bright star is cast.

God of our weary years, God of our silent tears,
Thou Who hast brought us thus far on the way;
Thou Who hast by Thy might, led us into the light,
Keep us forever in the path, we pray.
Lest our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met Thee.
Lest our hearts, drunk with the wine of the world, we forget Thee.
Shadowed beneath Thy hand, may we forever stand,
True to our God, true to our native land.

"To Be Young, Gifted and Black" is another song that has stuck with me and which was instilled in me when I was young. Even before I knew who Nina Simone was and her significance in the world and to the struggle for Black liberation and the liberation of all oppressed peoples, the words to this song inspired something in me. These beautiful words should be known by every Black child.

To be young, gifted and black,
Oh what a lovely precious dream
To be young, gifted and black,
Open your heart to what I mean

In the whole world you know
There are billion boys and girls
Who are young, gifted and black,
And that's a fact!

Young, gifted and black
We must begin to tell our young
There's a world waiting for you
This is a quest that's just begun

When you feel really low
Yeah, there's a great truth you should know
When you're young, gifted and black
Your soul's intact

Young, gifted and black
How I long to know the truth
There are times when I look back
And I am haunted by my youth

Oh but my joy of today
Is that we can all be proud to say
To be young, gifted and black
Is where it's at

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