Tuesday, October 02, 2007

This morning I was thinking about corporations, peoplehood, the 14th Amendment, and the concept of the cyborg. I only got interested in the concept of the cyborg a few years ago after hearing someone give a talk on it at Purdue and speaking of it in terms of our individual rights as citizens of the United States and the rule of corporations. In 1886, the Supreme Court ruled in Santa Clara County vs. Southern Pacific Railroad that corporations share the same protection as individuals do under the 14th Amendment, effectively making corporations people under the law. This has been the foundation of some of the most aggregious acts done by the military industrial complex and corporate structures in this country and around the globe. Now, it plays ouot, take for instance the company Blackwater, that these "people" who were granted U.S. Citizenship, don't have to obey American laws, ignore internation laws, and really are just superhuman entities trampling the world. You can read here and here some commentary on these issues. Also, dealing with the Harriet Myers nomination, The Nation published ten questions which should be asked of her, including a question about the rights of corporations as people. You can read that here. I am going to ponder this further and perhaps write some more about it as well.

1 comment:

Brandon said...

Thanks for this. I am going to read these links. I am trying to understand this situation more and more.