Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Tyler Perry and Why Did I Get Married On Oprah

I think Tyler Perry is so gay. Also, to comment on something he said on Oprah today, money and fame and sucess are not the dream. Community, integrity, and dignity are the dreams that Dr. King worked for and what the struggle is about. bell hooks warned that we, Black people as well as others living in america, are confusing capitalism and wealth with equality--a confusion which is all too intended by the white male power structure who kidnapped Dr. King's dream and turned into a tool for capitalism.


Anonymous said...

First off...what the hell is that gay comment about?So what if he is? It's irrelevant to his work! And what makes you an authority on exactly what Dr.Kings dream was about,Im sure it meant that we as black people should have all we deserve,that includes financial stability.

Brandon said...

I like Tyler Perry's work, for the most part, despite its religious overtones and base conservatism.I was simply stating what I think with my comment about his sexuality. Also, what I said is quite true and was not so much a rebuke as a reminder.Black people need to retain their values--and retain a value system that places community before wealth, that places integrity before wealth--THAT is Martin Luther King's dream. He did have a dream to end poverty....but he didn't have a dream about making you rich...Also, I wish financial stability for all Black people...there is a difference between financial stability and greed cooked in with capitalism. You should see the film In Debt We Trust.