Wednesday, November 21, 2007

What the Fuck is Freedom's Watch and Don't These People Need to Be Castrated?

The group Freedom's Watch has commissioned focus groups and has been inquiring about the best way in which to sell the idea of war with Iran to the American public. These are former Bush administration employees advocating for war.This is the wikipedia article on the organization, linked above and this is what it expressedly states... "Freedom's Watch is an advocacy group in part run and supported by former officials of the Bush administration. [1] The organization states that its goal is "educating individuals about and advancing public policies that protect America’s interests at home and abroad, foster economic prosperity, and strengthen families." [2] The Freedom's Watch web site states, "Those who want to quit while victory is possible have dominated the public debate about terror and Iraq since the 2004 election. Freedom's Watch is going to change that." These people need to lose their penises. They are explicitly trying to manipulate the public into invading Iran! My question is, what other bullshit have they been trying to sell?

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