Sunday, December 11, 2005

We Black Americans rise every morning and petition for the right to live to the end of the day. And your Thursday petition is not good for Friday, for Friday you got to start all over again. And this is what makes us so alienated…so estranged. And who do we take it out on… each other…because we are not prepared to identify the real enemy and deal with that enemy. We are not ready to make an admission and eliminate the effects of the admission. We have been successfully played for fools…that’s cruel, that’s hard. The game has been played on us and it has been a success. Now the only way to stop the game…is to study the players in the game and the game is about power…how you get it and how you keep it.”
–John Henrik Clarke


Anonymous said...

Thank goodness most of that is no longer true. Black Americans are now empowered and, under law, equal members of this society.

We should always remember that it is the likes of John Henrik Clarke who have helped us achieve this, but we should not wallow in the past, or attempt to perpetuate the negative myths that Black Americans are alienated or estranged. Every American has the right to become the best they can be. Only the weak of mind continue to allow color to hold them back.

Brandon said...

As bell hooks would probably say, this sounds like some bullshit to me.

Anonymous said...

Yes, let us not consider the viewpoints of others, as they would put a damper on the pity-party that is our life.

Brandon said...

You mean accept them? I believe they were considered....and the verdict was that they were bullshit....