Thursday, January 19, 2006

Spike Lee at Purdue

Spike Lee was awesome and inspiring. Beautiful man, great talk...even though he tended to ramble at times. He said something quite interesting, however(besied knocking bush and Fema). His statement that the U.S. has come to dominate the world not because of military strength, but because our culture has been so adopted around the world. This is an interesting idea. Perhaps it is cultural politics that determine world power and not military strength?


chella said...

i would think cultural politics would be much more invasive and insiduous! wish i could have heard lee.

have you checked out the blog _sweat_? if not, do. it's great!

brandon, sorry i've been so long getting back to you about your piece. hope to send you comments over the week-end.

be well and keep writing.

warmly, chella

Brandon said...

I tried looking for the blog, but can't find it. Do you know where I Cna get a link?