Sunday, March 12, 2006

I'm Pissed and the rest of the World Should Be Too

Saturday, Alexander Haig, former henchman for Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan, delivered statements to the press to the effect that in relation to the quagmire in Iraq that "every asset of the Nation must be applied to bring about a quick and successful outcome." Does that mean apply the Bomb? This man is wicked and should be castrated for his involvement in Vietnam and all of the atrocities committed during the Reagan administration. This most militaristic and inhumane mindset espoused by Haig that refuses to acknowledge the right of self-determination, self-respect, and dignity for the people of Iraq is absolutely abhorrent and must be uprooted from this country's interior.
Haig, his compadres, and all of the right-wing hawks who have their hands dipped into the mud which is Iraq and which is also U.S. militarism and foreign policy have completely lost their humanity, refuse to acknowledge and respect the humanity of others and are driven by the blind, capitalist, American imperialism that has been the soul-death of this country since its founding. People with integrity must speak out and refuse.
To speak further of this event that was reported in the news, one of the other henchmen, Henry Kissinger, was present, seated at Haig's side. I was encouraged that there were protestors their to greet him with chants of "Kissinger should go to jail, no bail."

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