Saturday, March 11, 2006

Why I Will Never Read Faulkner

I have always had my inclinations against Faulkner, and indeed I have only read one thing by him, a short story, and really have not felt bad at all about it. I have always declined joining in the Faulkner worship that so many have, highest among them Toni Morrison. Alas, I really never wanted to read any southern literature at all--but I have definitely come around from that, but still I don't feel compelled to become a Faulknerian. Now, I can see why Faulkner has never attracted my attention. Anne Braden reports in her book that Faulkner called out to the NAACP in a letter to Life magazine to "Go Slow" where segretation was concerned, to "Stop now for a time, a moment..lest by their haste they force all Southern moderates, including him, into the segregationist camp." Alas, I think Faulkner should have lost his penis for that one. Not only should he not be touted or read, he should have been castrated. Alas, further on the subject of Faulkner and his place in literature--it has always seemed to me that people fall into one of two camps--Hemingway or Faulkner. I have always been inclined to Hemingway. I can now definitely leave Faulkner for the crows.

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