Sunday, April 15, 2007

60 Minutes Tonight

I detest the way the media is handling the Lacross Rape case. Leslie Stahl's broadcast concerning the exoneration of the three men was totally insensitive to the young woman who was raped and made every attempt to criminalize, demonize, and assault her person. This is not how you treat any rape victim, no matter whether the crime is solved or not. Alas, I feel no sympathy for these boys. They might perhaps have benefited from serving sentences for this affair in order to foster some empathy and understanding for those who have endured such for hundreds upon hundreds of years. Alas, wherever the white male power structure acts and talks like this new North Carolina prosecutor is, I doubt wholeheartedly and with my whole being that any sort of justice is being done. Who paid him to get these men off? Somebodys wealthy white connections....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How do you even know the girl was even raped? There's no way to know whether she was or not. There is a such thing as a presumption of innocence in our justice system, and there was absolutely no evidence against those men.