Friday, July 29, 2005

Just recently Hermes in Paris refused to Let Oprah come in for some shopping. You can read the story
  • here
  • My thoughts are dont fuck with Oprah, she will have your ass one way or another. I love Oprah Winfrey. I used to sit on the fence about her, loving some of her stuff and then sometimes thinking she was phony, but Oprah is quite a progressive, and beautiful soul--- and she cuts right to the chase and to the core digging in with her own personal agenda with the greatest subtlety. The woman has two billion dollars, is the richest woman in the entertainment industry and is one of the most powerful in the world. Plus she's Black. Don't mess with Oprah.

    I picked up an issue of her magazine(my grandmother gets it) and read a wonderful interview that she did with Stevie Wonder-- it was great and I came from it with the deepest, sincerest respect for both of them. You can read that interview
  • here
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