Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Why are they killing Americans along the Mexican border? Wow. I find that absolutely interesting and it paints sort of a picture for me that is something that is only concocted in the movies. I wonder what is going on there, especially as Tony Garza, the U.S. Ambassador to Mexico has o.k'd a
  • travel warning
  • issued by the State Department. Building on my previous blog, this creates a very interesting picture in my head of what is going on.

    As the U.S. moves further and further into a conservative, right-wing base-- as I said beginning to show its true colors in regards to it's "liberalism" and "tolerance,"(why am I smiling) towards the non-white- non-anglo saxon- non-protestant- threatening to the white male power structure population ( for whatever reason, whether it be because of their paranoia or simply because they have pissed them off so much that now they want to kick their ass),we have these occurring--American culture is just going to hell,access to safe, legal abortion and reproductive healthcare information is being widdled away, gays might as well zip it up and give up the ghost because its over for them, and other minorities will simply be re-sent to the back of the bus( or god forbid-- in light of Margaret Atwood's visions--to some toxic waste dump. As this is happening internally the U.S. (in all its glory) is faced with whomever it might be(cause I for one do not take the word of the great white father as gold) that is blowing up the twin towers and causing turmoil and wreaking havoc in the American Empire and on American interests around the globe. Oh my, it is something to witness. What is truly going on?

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